Everyone should be able to look up what rent is in a private rental property.

It believes the housing minister Kaare Dybvad (S). The minister will make a kind of card index of the rent in the over 600,000 dwellings covered by the rent – and boligloven.

the Proposal comes as part of the government’s attempt to stop speculators and curb the rent increases.

– I believe that you should be able to extract the data in a register, so you can see whether you are paying too much for your apartment, says housing minister Kaare Dybvad to Ekstra Bladet.

Kaare Dybvads first major task as a minister is to put an end to Blackstone and other speculators. Photo: Aleksaner Klug

the Proposal to hand over the rent is a part of the so-called huslejebremse, where the minister proposes that the rent must not rise above the lejedes value.

– On the way huslejebremsen a good tool for the tenants, who otherwise would not have an earthly chance to know what it lejedes value is in the market, consider Kaare Dybvad.

Four proposals to stop speculators

There must be ten years, from a landlord buying a property, the landlord can raise the rent after section 5, 2. It must address, that it is possible to go for quick short term gains.

– Put the gain down to remove the ‘substantial’ from section 5, 2. Today, it appears that the rent does not significantly exceed the lejedes value. According to the general recognized practice this margin to be 10 percent. It is this proposal, which will have the benefit of transparency in kreuzberg’s housing rents were, believe Kaare Dybvad.

the Requirements on the minimum label C – v label D in the day – at section 5, 2-improvements.

– the Minister will make it possible for shareholders with a valuarvurdering to freeze their valuarvurdering with the desire to counteract the fall in prices of housing cooperatives.

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Will stop the ‘malicious spiral’
Until now, the landlord had put the rent significantly above the lejedes value.

It is the formulation of the much-criticised 5,2-section, which has led to significant rent increases. According to Kaare Dybvad, the proposal will put a stop to the ‘malicious spiral’.

– If you make a transparency of kreuzberg’s housing rents were on the rental market, so we put a stop to the malicious spiral that we have seen since we introduced the section 5,2, the minister says.

He acknowledges that there are some who will be skeptical about getting their rent is put forth for public spectacle.

– at that Time it was possible to see what the houses cost in the land, many were skeptical. But now it is completely normal, says Kaare Dybvad.
It means § 5 paragraph. 2-renovation

If a privately owned rental home is renovated for a minimum of 2.255 euros per square meter or 257.894 crowns in all, get the landlord the opportunity to fix the rent, so the ‘does not substantially exceed the lejedes value” rather than that the apartment is subject to the so-called cost related rent.

This means that the landlord as a rule of thumb can double the rent. But there are also examples that the rents have been three – or fourfold.

If the apartments in a property to be renovated according to section 5.2 to raise it, of course, the value of udlejningsejendommen and the income from the significantly.

According to the expert report of the Transport and ministry of housing, there is approximately of 2,850 cheap rental units each year from 2006 to 2018 has been done 5.2-improvements.

according to the Report, at the same time, that approximately 76 percent of the rental units, which have undergone a 5.2-renovation, is located around the capital, in Aarhus, Odense or Aalborg.

Continue the development, there will about about 25 years, not be more of the affordable privately owned rental housing.

§ 5, paragraph. 2, in boligreguleringsloven was introduced in 1996 to increase the incentive for owners of private rental properties to renovate their properties.

the Report estimates that in 2019 is 74.600 rented housing, where it will be possible to make a 5.2-improvements.

Source: report of the Expert group on boligreguleringslovens § 5, paragraph. 2, the Transportation and the ministry of housing.

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Kaare Dybvad on his ministerkontor. Photo: Aleksander Klug

the Model is not yet established, but must first be negotiated with all other parties except the Liberal Alliance, who have left what is called the Blackstone of the negotiations.

the Negotiations happens after an expert group in October, made a number of recommendations on how politicians can change on boliglovens section 5,2, which has made it possible for speculators as Blackstone to double the rent by renovating apartments.

the Facts about rental housing

Out of Denmark’s total 2.9 million dwellings in Denmark is public and private rental housing 1.2 million homes. Approximately 600,000 of rental housing are covered by either the rent act or boliglovens provisions, according to the report of the expert group.

the Prices of private rental properties since the mid-1980s, has risen much more than consumer prices, and more than the prices of single family homes and condos

the Report’s analysis indicates that in 2019 is a potential for improvements of 74.600 rented after boligreguleringslovens 5,2..

the Improved leasehold has an average annual rent of 1.407 kr. pr. m2 . It can be compared with a rent at an average of 779 kr. pr. m2 for the lease of the same properties, which are rented out with omkostningsbestemt rent. It is similar to a huslejeforskel in the average of 81 per cent – almost a doubling.

Source: report of the Expert group on boligreguleringslovens § 5, paragraph. 2, the Transportation and the ministry of housing.

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It means § 5 paragraph. 2-renovation

If a privately owned rental home is renovated for a minimum of 2.255 euros per square meter or 257.894 crowns in all, get the landlord the opportunity to fix the rent, so the ‘does not substantially exceed the lejedes value” rather than that the apartment is subject to the so-called cost related rent.

This means that the landlord as a rule of thumb can double the rent. But there are also examples that the rents have been three – or fourfold.

If the apartments in a property to be renovated according to section 5.2 to raise it, of course, the value of udlejningsejendommen and the income from the significantly.

According to the expert report of the Transport and ministry of housing, there is approximately of 2,850 cheap rental units each year from 2006 to 2018 has been done 5.2-improvements.

according to the Report, at the same time, that approximately 76 percent of the rental units, which have undergone a 5.2-renovation, is located around the capital, in Aarhus, Odense or Aalborg.

Continue the development, there will about about 25 years, not be more of the affordable privately owned rental housing.

§ 5, paragraph. 2, in boligreguleringsloven was introduced in 1996 to increase the incentive for owners of private rental properties to renovate their properties.

the Report estimates that in 2019 is 74.600 rented housing, where it will be possible to make a 5.2-improvements.

Source: report of the Expert group on boligreguleringslovens § 5, paragraph. 2, the Transportation and the ministry of housing.

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See also: 11.000 danes to leave their homes See also: Blackstone buy properties through tax havens, See also: Blackstone withdraws: Big trade canceled