the Author to Nicklas Bendtner-the book ‘Both Sides’ takes responsibility for the attacker’s spidning of Viktor Fischer.

the 31-year-old Bendtner was in the beginning of november bogaktuel with ’Both Sides’, in which he candidly tells of his life both on and off the football field.

the Book drew many headlines, and the FCK-team-mate Viktor Fischer also got a couple of words with on the way for ‘to have knevret to the WORLD cup’.

Now explains the book’s author, Rune Skyum-Nielsen, what he and Bendtner really meant with the note, as the author takes on his mantle.

– I may have underestimated how many people would misunderstand it, and perhaps rightly, to misunderstand it. The book is told, so you’re there while things played out.

– It is not a efterrationaliseringsbog, where it sits and, looking back, says Rune Skyum-Nielsen in the podcast Genpres.

this tells the author and journalist, about the work with the book and Bendtner. About Fischer-the episode explains Rune Skyum-Nielsen, he has worked a little too much with the dramatic devices in the belief that people would catch it.

– In the here moment, where the note to Fischer comes, sits Nicklas in a plane on the way home from Stockholm together with landsholdstruppen. A few hours later they must have to know, who to with for the WORLD cup.

– He can sit and look at the teammates, who is quite nervous. And then sits there and smiles all over the krydderen and seems pretty sure to be. In the situation, he becomes so annoyed, because he himself is pissenervøs not to come with, say, Rune Skyum-Nielsen.

Nicklas Bendtner and Viktor Fischer celebrates a pokalscoring against Hillerød. Photo: Lars Poulsen
According to the author, the description is not given rise to problems between Bendtner and Fischer, who in recent months have shared the dressing room.

After his two goals in the derby against Brøndby gave Fischer a little again with a remark that one could not speak out on the national team, and laughed together of the according Rune Skyum-Nielsen.

Nicklas Bendtner released ‘Both Sides’, as he had been in FCK in a few months.

the Timing was there at the time talked about very much, and as the stories began to fall out in both the Danish and international media, selected Bendtner, he just as well could give teammates the book, so that they not only got fragments.

– Karly is much better take the bull by the horns. So as it came in the first udgivelsesuge, he got a from the publisher to run off with a box of books, which were distributed in the locker room.

– They took it all together with the home and the sms came already a couple of hours. They thought it was fucking interesting, says Rune Skym-Nielsen in the podcast Genpres.

It remains to be seen whether Nicklas Bedntner continue his career after the contract with FCK was not extended. Photo: Jens Dresling
Nicklas Bendtner has by some been criticized for breaking the unwritten rules about not telling about what happens outside kridtstregerne, but Rune Skyum-Nielsen rejects the criticism:

– they are only people out there are started to hang him out.

the Podcast is recorded, before it became clear that FC Copenhagen did not want to renew the agreement with Nicklas Bendtner.

According to Rune Skyum-Nielsen has Since, however, good plans, and in addition to some erhvervsidéer, dreaming of the soon-to-32-year-old former landsholdsprofil to inspire young talents.

– And not just with his book, but also with advice, and perhaps even to train.

– It is said that in each case, in the FCK-the locker room is especially the young people really happy for him, because he actually treats them well and inspiring.

Nicklas Bendtner is after stopped in FC Copenhagen gone into space to think. He is considering whether fodboldkarrieren must have a last adventure, or whether he should say stop.

Before he signed the contract with FCK, was there in the summer interest from Turkey, Greece and Spain from it, as the Rune Skyum-Nielsen calls the ’relatively decent ‘ clubs’.

You can hear the whole ’Bendtner-podcast’ from Genpres here.

FC København – 18. dec. 2019 – at. 09:56 FCK-star mandsopdækket on vacation

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