Ditte Giese is facing a tough battle at the moment, where she must try to overcome the cancer diagnosis, she recently got.

In the latest episode of the podcast, ‘Ditte Giese is too thick’ it came to light that she has got breast cancer, and on Instagram opens she up about the disease.

– A more grådlabilt than cheerful title, but that’s how it must be, when life provides a a properly gok in need. It is a sad experience to feel healthier and stronger than ever, and in all ways a good place in life and then get a cancer diagnosis. I should probably clear it, I am strong, my body is strong, my network is strong, she writes on Instagram.

See also: Kept it secret: Now he reveals private details about cancer

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Last episode of my podcast about health, body, thickness, skønhedsidealer, training and a lot of feelings about the body. A more grådlabilt than cheerful title, but that’s how it must be, when life provides a a properly gok in need. It is a sad experience to feel healthier and stronger than ever, and in all ways a good place in life and then get a cancer diagnosis. I should probably clear it, I am strong, my body is strong, my network is strong, Rigshospitalet is strong, I have @umahro in my corner, and he is Herculean. And now I will keep a little christmas and enjoy the love and family before the chemo and shit waiting on the other side (link in the bio or listen to Podimo or in iTunes)

A spread shared by Ditte Giese (@dittegiesebosslady) the

In the episode of the podcast, she has difficulty getting the words forward, then the conversation falls on kræftdiagnosen.

the 42-year-old Ditte Giese breaks in the first place out in tears, but in the section she will still put more words on the diagnosis, since she just gets the sound out a little.

– It is fucking ironic to be healthier than ever and have done a lot for the body, but it is apparently every ninth Danish woman who gets breast cancer. And it was so obviously me, she says, among other things, and send a call for women to check their breasts regularly.

In the section, it comes in addition, forward, to Ditte Giese must be operated during the months of december and have kemobehandlinger in the new year.

Danish well-known – 17. dec. 2019 – at. 11:34 Chokmelding: Noller sick unto death of cancer

Ditte Giese was from 2008 to 2018 employee of the Danish newspaper Politiken, first as kulturjournalist and since that debatredaktør. Since september last year, she has been redaktionschef of Heartbeats.dk, where her podcast is also being produced.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Ditte Giese, who informs that she did not want to say further.