It is not fair to the young people in the Umbrella case, will be sentenced for distribution of child pornography material.

said Helene Jansen, who is a psychologist and has been conducting research in the IT-related abuses. She has earlier in the sexologisk clinic treated adults people who have recorded and shared child pornography.

– thus, It is a whole different caliber. It is problematic that we put young people in the bay with some of the people that have a sexual interest in children, she says and continues:

– It means that you will be stigmatized in something that is not a part of. When we punish them at the same show (as pedophiles, ed.), so if we manage not to distinguish between what is sexual and what is not.

See also: Teen punished in the Umbrella case: Feel convicted as a pedophile

As Extra the Magazine documented yesterday, giving it a spot on the børneattesten in twenty years, which may be of importance for their fremtidsjob and leisure pursuits.

Helene Jansen calls it a kangaroo court against the young, while in reality it is the politicians, the parents and the schools have failed large.

– We have chosen to impose on the young the responsibility of their videos have been shared, but we have not discussed the societal responsibility to inform adequately on here is that it is no go and can have fatal consequences, ” she says, and stresses that it is not for discussion, that it has felt like an assault to those on the video, that it is shared on.

– I will not advocate that there should not be punishment, but the punishment must be in accordance with the intention, which has been behind it. The intention has not been to distribute overgrebsbilleder of children.

– It is complete madness that you can’t be pædagogmedhjælper or get a job in fritidshjemmet because of it here. It here has nothing to do with the fact that the young people who are convicted, are dangerous for children.

– But is it not an expression of poor judgement, to send such a video on?

– Yes, but poor judgement is equal to teenagers, and that you need to have an understanding that risk assessment is not developed frontallapsmæssigt, before you are up in the twenties. And when there is a screen in between, is not the natural access to the empathy with the victims, which we would otherwise feel in the real world, she says.