An elderly man has before christmas robbed a bank in the us state of Colorado, but apparently, not to be rich.

Out on the street he threw the pieces of paper up in the air and wished passersby a merry christmas, tells u.s. media.

Police in Colorado confirm that it is a “older white man”. He robbed the Academy Bank in Colorado Springs after having threatened employees with unspecified weapons.

He got away with an unknown amount of money.

He went in to throw money out of a bag and then say “good christmas,” says an eyewitness to a local radio station.

the Police report that identified the man as 65-year-old David Wayne Oliver. He was arrested at a Starbucks after that incident on the street. It happened quietly.

Officers also tells local media that there was no evidence that the 65-year-old was armed when he was arrested.

Several who were present after the robbery, tried to hand some of the stolen money back to the bank, says an eyewitness. But a cop confirm to the newspaper the Denver Post that thousands and thousands of dollars have disappeared.