Mohamed Daramy has always been Danish, and now get the he final paper on it.
FC Copenhagen stortalent get Monday his Danish citizenship – just one day before his 18. birthday.
Hvidovre Municipality and the city of Copenhagen organises on Monday afternoon at the town hall in Birmingham an extraordinary grundlovsceremoni, where it is marked, that two citizens from the two municipalities have acquired Danish citizenship.
one is Isata Daramy, the mother of the 17-year-old FCK’is Mohamed Daramy.
She got Danish nationality shortly before christmas, but for the sake of Mohamed Daramys situation has Hvidovre Municipality sought and received permission to hold an extraordinary grundlovsceremoni.
in Order to get Danish citizenship, one must participate in a grundlovsceremoni. The can under normal circumstances only at the earliest be held a month after the law’s adoption.
But it had meant that Mohamed Daramy had reached 18 years of age, and then he would not automatically get his Danish citizenship. It is happening now.
’The two citizens, both children, who reach 18 years of age in the days after the 6. January and therefore also get Danish citizenship simultaneously with their parents get it’, writes Hvidovre Municipality and Copenhagen Municipality in the invitation to the extraordinary grundlovsceremoni.
Mohamed Daramy, have so far scored five times for FC Copenhagen. Here ferjer he a goal with Nicklas Bendtner. Photo: Jan Sommer
Isata Daramy should sign on, that she will comply with the constitution, and the press mayor Helle Adelborg in the hand. When this is done, she and Mohamed Daramy, both Danish nationals.
Mohamed Daramy was otherwise close to being a victim of a gap in the legislation, but immigration and Integration minister Mattias Tesfaye changed with background in among other things Daramy-the case of the ordinance that controls, when the municipalities must bear the grundlovsceremonier.
It was possible to seek a derogation from the normal period, and it has Hvidovre Municipality made in the case Daramy.
For was Isata Daramy been forced to wait for the end of January with its grundlovsceremoni, had Mohamed Daramy does not automatically have received his Danish citizenship.
As an 18-year-old he had even had to go through a lengthy process and had, at best, having to wait until spring 2021.
Mattias Tesfaye will be present at Monday’s extraordinary grundlovsceremoni in Hvidovre and will be able to congratulate Mohamed Daramy, who is now also in the legal sense can finally call himself Danish.
Mohamed Daramy, who so far has scored 32 matches in the FCK-jersey, was born in Denmark, but both his parents come from Sierra Leone.
With his Danish citizenship can Daramy in the spring look forward to having a debut at one of the Danish national youth teams.
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