She know what it’s like not to be removed from his dysfunctional family in time. She knows the consequences, when the neighbors,caseworkers, and teachers do not respond to concerns.

Zandra Berthelsen is the girl from Tøndersagen, in 2005 shook the entire country. She now takes the leaf from the mouth, because she believes that our prime minister is wrong, when she talks about ‘in the past and more tvangsadoptioner’ and on the use of ‘tvangsfjernelser as prevention’.

– in Short, I don’t think that the law will mean nothing – or would have had an impact at the time – any time for families like mine. It is the wrong children – and families – who are affected by it here, says Zandra Berthelsen to Ekstra Bladet.

And so it is very important to get said, to tvangsfjernelser not only is good. I got it only worse to be placed in so many places, tells the today 25-year-old woman.

Zandra Berthelsen has – since she was removed from home – been living in foster care, in shelters, have been admitted repeatedly to psychiatric wards, has had a drug addiction and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Zandra believes that Mette Frederiksen’s promise of more and earlier tvangsfjernelser and adoptions is the right way to go. Photo: EB-faximile

In the ‘world’s happiest country’ we had in 2005, when Zandras history cleared all the front pages and sendeflader, never experienced a case like this. Blast pouring over the whole of Denmark, when it went up for us, to a little girl in years not alone had been sexually exploited by her own father.

She had also been rented out as a sexslave to strangers, adult men. Also of his father. While her mother knew all about it.

After an anonymous tip from a citizen was Zandras parents arrested and later received sentences while Zandra and her younger sister was tvangsfjernet and put in foster care, after which a årelangt course, where Zandra repeatedly had to change foster homes and shelters out, and began.

despite growing up as ‘systembarn’, which perhaps could have been saved from his childhood as his father’s and other men’s sexslave, if the municipality had responded to the concerns and alerts, they had been, believe Zandra Berthelsen is not Mette Frederiksen promises of ‘earlier intervention’ is necessarily the right way to go.

– In my case was sent 32 notifications, and it reacted the municipality (Barrels, red.) not on. I just don’t believe that things will be better of to take more children. With a starting point in my own case, I think that you should have taken care of the whole family.

– It should have been examined whether or not my parents had a ‘ parenting skills, and if they had, they had to have help in the home to care for their children. On the way, I think, to be able to prevent many abuses, she explains to Extra Bladet.

– And then you remember: the order is treating the symptoms – not årsagsbehandling.

– It is tough to be tvangsfjernet, and the places I grew up, there is no, as the likes of a child who is crying and has been subjected to abuse. I was avoided for a number of years – both of the other children on the spheres, but also of the ‘adults’. The professional professionals.

Letter from Tønderpigen to statministeren

Zandra Berthelsen has asked the daily telegraph to publish this write, she has made to Mette Frederiksen, hoping that the prime minister reads with.

Dear Prime minister

If you see it here, so I will tell you that an order does not help anything, if you do not work with the cause.

So is it just treating the symptoms. A bit like the rootless children and young people, who get pills in long paths in psychiatry, because they have evil in their soul and really just need to be met as the people they are – and are not to be ‘sygeliggjort’.

Just to grow up in the ‘system-Denmark has been a traumatic thing for me. For God, where I have seen many things.

I thought I would get it good when I was removed from home. I took so many errors.

I got it first, better , when I was met at eye level – without looking was looking at my ex-diagnoses and my medications. When I was seen as a human being and not as a sad fate.

For I am not. I am one of them, which breaks with the whole thing, and I can thank a lot of individuals – not the fact that I was tvangsfjernet .

After I have grown older, I have even visited my family. It is difficult, because none of us have been using for communication.

In saying that my case was a tragedy in the Barrels. No, it was more of a tragedy in our family.

I want, you may get the opportunity to see all layers of this thing and will be enlightened – if you will – before you make a decision on a law.

in Addition, you must not remove children from parents just because they don’t have the money. For it is not money that is important for a good childhood. It is the support, presence and unconditional love – and parents with mental health resources. The resources had my parents not.

I wish the best for you and for all of us.

Best greetings

Zandra Berthelsen

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– So … the berøringsangst, which is a word, the prime minister uses in his voice – she sounds not to have understood. Why no one intervened sooner, and why let the municipality out to eat with bad explanations?

Perhaps because many social workers and case managers do not know the characters or lack of experience and training in how to speak with children – and, not least, how to distinguish those children who ‘just’ have bad parents, from the children who have parents who damage them.

See also: He revealed the Barrels-Zandras disorders: Asked about Zandra was for rent, so he went to the police

in Addition, Zandra very difficult to see tvangsfjernelser and adoptions as ‘prevention’.

For almost regardless of what that child has experienced with his parents, so has the use of his family and in order to know its creator, believes Tønderpigen.

– the Child’s best interests is not to make the child family-loose, just like you did with me. To remove the child from the parents, but a child has the right to a family. If the child wants it. In my case it was all about, that I would have had the opportunity to see grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins. It was not at all done anything out of. So I ended up being very principal, says Zandra, who today is out of the psychiatric system and have been non-drug in 15 months.

the 25-year-old Zandra Berthelsen has written a letter to the prime minister, in which she urges her to think about, before they made a new law with more tvangsfjernelser and tvangsadoptioner. Photo: TV2

– I do not think I had ended up on psychiatric drugs and abuse and other things, if I had gotten the psychological help thing before – and if I had contacted my family anything before. So, I think that I would not have felt principal in the same degree.

– The only thing I had needed was a hug. I needed my family, and some, like ‘really’ liked by me, says the 25-year-old woman who was nationally known as ‘Tønderpigen’ in the case, which makes that people still backs away from her and fail to ask for it.

See also: Foster children are skeptical of the goal to take more

– I am experiencing still today, people pull out or meet me with anxiety – berøringsangst. Because the system in Denmark simply do not know how to meet people who have been through it, as I have been through. It is, in many cases, misunderstood terms. But how will the prime minister ensure that it is being handled? For I am just one out of many who experience this anxiety for people with trauma’.

– If you could help with the ‘child law’, what would you do?

– I wish that the prime minister will talk with us, which have seen grow up in dysfunctional families and have been tvangsfjernet or placed. She needs to visit the us on your own body has learned about the evictions have been the ideal solution, or on a familieanbringelse had been more ideal.

– I would like to offer to speak with her and possibly. take some of the people who have been around me, with.

the Danish policy – 1. jan. 2020 – pm. 18:50 Qvortrup about Mette F.: Tom – but smart talk

the Judgments in Tøndersagen

– In all there were 16 people convicted in the case. It was 15 men, while the woman was Zandras own mother.

the Danger was sentenced to 10 years in prison, while the mother was given an indefinite behandlingsdom in a psychiatric hospital.

– The other 14 men received between one and six years in prison. Several of them were foreigners from Sri Lanka, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan and Germany.

– Zandra received a total of 880.000 dollars in damages. Of this came of 200,000 crowns from danger, while Gerhard Trip was doomed to having to pay the 60,000. Tønder Municipality would have to pay the 300,000 of them, because they let the stand for too long.