Camilla Steinaa disappeared from the earth, when she was just 23 years old.

Interpol-efterlysningen of her, it appears that the last known information up to her disappearance was that she had plans to take the train to Jutland, where she would stay at a farm which produced organic food.

Here is a sample of the Interpol-efterlysningen

While in fact it was her disappearance back in 1987 not reported in the media. Both of her parents were dead at the time, and even though her sister reported her missing at Station 1 in Copenhagen, she was the first, apparently, by a communication deficits, recorded as missing in police records in 2010, it turned out, since the Extra Leaf in 2015, described the mysterious forsvindingssag.

Crime fiction Camilla disappeared in 28 years: ‘Perhaps she sought a convent’

Now have a TV 2 also looked at the mysterious forsvindingssag in programrækken ‘Which sunk in the earth’, sent on TV 2 Monday. 20.00.

It leads among other things, the program’s host Kristian Bech about Camilla Steinaas old lovers, to Thylejren in denmark and to punkmiljøet in Copenhagen, denmark, where Camilla Steinaa had its time.

She was a strong woman. And devil-may-care. She had a grip on his shit, says Per Buhl in the program.

He was the lead singer in one of the term No knox and was the girlfriend of Camilla Steinaa.

She partied completely insanely through, so we had to try to follow after, and so she could stand up the next morning and continue again and go to work, he tells on.

He also unveils that the pretty and intelligent woman at a time was the girlfriend of the Danish poet Michael Strunge, which was groundbreaking in the time with her punkpoesi, and managed to publish 11 books of poems, before he committed suicide in 1986, 27 years old.

TV2-programme has been found to a biography of Michael Strunge, where his relationship to Camilla Steinaa be described.

‘In the winter between 1981 and 1982 fell in love he was in with another young woman from punkmiljøet by the name of Camilla Steinaa. He threw himself greedily into the affair, into the forbidden, and gave the los out of this parforholdets enticing side street’, are there in the book.

the Affair lasted only briefly, because Camilla Steinaa chose to make the relationship past one night in the city, but according to the program, Michael Strunge subsequently dedicated the collection ‘pop songs’ to Camilla Steinaa.

Several of her friends and family remember the young woman changed around 1982-83 and suddenly appeared wearing only a lagenlærred, just toes and kortplysset hair. Mind went on any religious or sektlignende.

Her younger brother is ” the Steinaa has previously told the Ekstra Bladet that he also felt the change. The older sister moved at a time into the upper room of his townhouse in Østerbro, Copenhagen.

Camilla came with a handcart, which was tied together with the linen, because she wouldn’t use nails, the mattresses she made of straw, and she was not very to use the stove, he told.

– She cooked vegetables in støbejernsgryder and was very upset that we could not make bonfires in the garden, so that she could cook more.

In spite of the mention and the attempts to find out Camilla Steinaas fate is the mystery of her disappearance is still exactly that. A mystery.

But ” The Steinaa is glad to have been a little wiser at his sister.

– of course I become a little wiser in her entourage with punkmiljøet. It was an inspiring experience, and it is nice to know something more about what she has done, he says to Ekstra Bladet today.

He also draws smile to find out that she has been the girlfriend with the poet Michael Strunge.

– It comes as no surprise to me. There really was once in her, he says.

– do you need to get certainty in the case of Sotero disappearance?

– I don’t know if I need it. But I have felt, and I did already back then, we talked together last, that I would do what I could to find her. It is, after all, a member of the family. We have been playing together and thrown snowballs together. It is natural that you do what you can, he says.

Ekstra home in 2015.

– Fill it is still in your life?

– It fills the same, as it has done for the last many years. It comes in periods, where you think about what happened. But it is also a question of, you must try to get put a lid on. so it does not take up too much space, he says.

the Extra Leaf has written several articles on the forsvindingssager. Read some of them here:

the Detective Charged with the murder of missing ex: So, she appeared in live

Detective Kurt got on a bus and disappeared without a trace

Detective Emilie found: They still need to be found

Detective Lost danes: The wanted in the whole world