It will now be prohibited for persons under 18 years to buy lattergaspatroner. It is the political parties minus the Liberal Alliance and the New Civil agree.

It informs Business and industry on Tuesday on its website.

Nor has the former LA’is Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Beetle, which now stands in the forefront of Forward, is in the agreement.

the Agreement should limit the use of nitrous oxide, especially among young people. The agreement means, among other things, that it will not be possible to buy lattergaspatroner in drug stores or other stores that sell alcohol, cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

in Addition, private individuals will now only buy two lattergaspatroner of eight grams per purchase.

Lattergassen is really intended for use in flødeskumssifoner. However, according to the Health website it was reported one death in the years 2007, 2016, 2018, and 2019, when the nitrous oxide was involved.

In 2019 received Giftlinjen 62 inquiries about the nitrous oxide against a doubling from 20 to 40 enquiries in the period 2016 to 2018.

the Agreement welcomes minister of trade Simon Kollerup (S).

– Nitrous oxide is dangerous to young people and their health. The lack of oxygen. Nerve damage. In the end you can die from it. The great abuse of nitrous oxide as an intoxicant therefore makes many parents uncomfortable and can do irreparable damage to our young people in Denmark.

– that is Why I am very happy that there was broad support that we have now put a stop to the all-too-easy access to the nitrous oxide and the violent abuse of lattergaspatroner among our young people, says Kollerup in the press release.

the level of penalties be raised also with the agreement. Fines for stores that don’t live up to the rules, be raised from today to be the 10,000 dollars to continue to be 25.000 at the first violation. At the second violation, it costs 50,000 dollars, while the stores must of 75.000 dollars by tredjegangsovertrædelser.

the FACTS: How will politicians remove nitrous oxide from the young

the Use of nitrous oxide should be limited. It is a broad majority in the Danish Parliament have agreed on.

Tuesday S government presented a political agreement, which among other things prohibits the sale of nitrous oxide to persons under 18 years of age.

All parties in the Danish Parliament, with the exception of the Liberal Alliance and the New Civic is in the agreement.

Read more about the agreement here:

* quantity limitation:

in the Future may only be sold two lattergaspatroner of eight grams at a time to individuals. Big lattergasbeholdere than eight grams will be completely illegal to sell to private individuals.

* Age:

in Order to curb young people’s abuse of nitrous oxide introduced an age limit for the sale of lattergaspatroner, so that in the future it will become illegal to sell nitrous oxide to people under 18 years of age.

* the Restriction of sales points:

It will become illegal to sell nitrous oxide, if you also supply alcohol, tobacco or e-cigarettes. Thus prohibits the sale of nitrous oxide, for example, in kiosks, where you can also buy alcohol and tobacco.

* Tighter rules for trading with nitrous oxide on the internet:

the new rules on The quantity limitation, age, and the prohibition to sell nitrous oxide, if you also supply alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicants, will also apply to shopping on the web. A system for age verification, for example with a NemID is required.

* Increased control:

devoted among other things to 3.1 million kroner to the Sikkerhedsstyrelsens the control of the illegal sale of nitrous oxide in both physical and digital stores. This increases the verification from the approximately 12 annual online screenings for the illegal sale of nitrous oxide to 300 anonymous online kontrolkøb. In addition, strengthened monitoring visits in physical stores significantly.

* Larger fines:

Fines for stores that don’t live up to the rules, be raised from today to be the 10,000 dollars to continue to be 25.000 at the first violation. At the second violation, it costs 50,000 dollars, while the stores must of 75.000 dollars by tredjegangsovertrædelser.

* Evaluation:

The effect is evaluated after one year, in order to assess whether there is a need for further restrictions.

Source: ministry of Business and industry.

– It is totally unacceptable that profiteres on the sale of lattergaspatroner at the expense of our young people’s health.

– Therefore, we raise the level of penalties significantly, so that those who break the rules, brands, that hammer falls hard, and that it is simply not worthwhile for the shops and kiosks to circumvent the rules for the sale of lattergaspatroner, says Kollerup.

Lattergasfesten close now with the agreement. It says SF’s sundhedsordfører, Kirsten Normann Andersen, in a written comment.

– unfortunately, We have already seen fatalities as a result of the use of nitrous oxide. I am therefore glad that we now get closed lattergasfesten and put restrictions up, she says.

the Politicians will follow closely whether the measures work, says the Liberal party erhvervsordfører, Torsten Schack Pedersen, at a press conference.

– For what we decide today to work, he says.