Sunday could the DR tell you about a worrying new phenomenon, where unknown perpetrators forcing girls and young women to drink their own urine, smear herself in feces and cut the letters into their own skin.

if they don’t, there’s a risk that the offender publish intimate pictures or videos of them.

the Phenomenon is called ‘hurtcore’, and videos of afpresningen and the humiliation of the victims are ago sold on the net.

According to the DR is at least 145 girls and women from the UNITED states and England have been blackmailed on the web. Several of the victims are under the age of 18 years, which makes that there is talk about child pornography.

police commissioner Flemming Kjærside looking Rigspolitiets department of cyberrelaterede sexual offences, tells DR that he has not encountered hurtcore in a Danish context.

– I have nothing to compare to in Denmark, since we have not had cases of the character. Fortunately. But it is documented here, that it takes place, and that it has a disturbingly large extent, he explains.

See also: Girls and young women blackmailed to drink tis and cut themselves

the DR has been in contact with an English victim, who wishes to remain anonymous. They call her Emma.

She says that she had taken nude pictures of someone you know against the payment, but that the images ended up in the wrong hands.

A man therefore took contact to her from a fake profile and got her to send more intimate pictures of themselves. If not, would he share her nudes with her family and friends.

With the passage of time was his claim on the coarser, and he is forced, among other things Emma to eat toast off the floor like a dog.

For the last block she him, with the result that not just her original nudity, but also the film from the afpresningen was posted available on the web.

– It was as if someone had seen it. But I didn’t know it. I was just really embarrassed and didn’t want to go outside a door, she says, and adds, that she began to self-harm as a result of the digital human.

See also: the Charge against 22-year-old: How were the teenage girls blackmailed

the DR has been in contact with the four organizations that advise the children and young people, all know to the problem – though in less violent degree, than the supposedly available overseas.

At Red the Child tells the psychologist Kuno Sørensen to Ekstra Bladet, that the organization is experiencing an increase of inquiries about digital sexkrænkelse.

Red the Child received around 800 enquiries last year about the type of violations – of which, he deems, to between 50 and 100 young people aimed on the basis of blackmail or fear of blackmail.

– It is children and young people from all the way down to 12 years of age that caters. It is predominantly girls, but there are also boys who are exposed to it, he explains.

Tip us!

Have you been the victim of extortion or sexual violations on the web, we would like to hear from you. We treat all enquiries on an anonymous basis. Contact Ekstra journalist

young tells typically roughly the same story, tells Kuno Sørensen.

– They have taken one on the net and shared a somewhat racy picture, and then they threatened that if they don’t send anything, there is even more brazenly, will the original be shared.

the Majority of young people have not given in to krænkerens requirements, but now fear what may happen. Others have been press to prove to be completely naked or masturbate on webcam.

– It is a sexkrænkelse without any expiry date, because the victims do not know when it is over. They do not know whether they one day show up in the class and all have seen their nudes, says Kuno Sørensen on the serious cases.

At save the children stresses you always, to the unhappy teenagers who turn out not have done anything wrong. In addition, they help them to report the abuses to the police.

He has the following advice to the victims:

– If you are being subjected to sexual extortion, you must not give in. You need to say and secure the evidence by, for example, to take screendumps. In addition one must say it to his parents and contact the police.

How to help your child to set limits

• the Parents can, from the children start to go on the web, used them to talk about what one experiences on the different social media and platforms. In this way, you also built a relationship of trust on the subject.

• also, Talk with the child about who they are friends with – both in reality and on the web – and what they’re doing on social media.

• Reveal how much the child knows about good online behavior and be specific when you ask.

• Agree a framework with the child for, how you use the differences between platforms and media. Who do you share user names with, who you send photos and videos to, what tells you people you not have met, in fact, about themselves.

• Which social media suits the age of the child, and what is not allowed.

• Ask positive and interested in. Do not be judgmental.

• Tell the child that no matter what you always on your child’s side and want to help it.

• If your child changes the behavior, try to identify what affects the child.

Source: South Jutland Police. Find more advice on and

See also: Young man charged with rape and theft: Perhaps over 100 victims