The Danish tv-viewers during the month of January again had the opportunity to get an insight into the life of the twins Anders and Torben Petersen, who live virtually identical lives.

The 49-year-old twin brothers have had viewers on the nearest hold while they researched the possibility to move to their boyfriends in Thailand. The last of this year’s two title runs across the screen on Monday night.

even Though Anders and Torben enjoys making the program, it is not realistic that there will be more than two annual title with them in the future.

– We can probably not reach more than the two sections on the year – otherwise there certainly to be some money in it, so we can say our work up and make it full-time, laughing Torben and makes it clear that they would say yes, if they got the offer.

– It could be fun, he strikes fast.

See also: Anders and Torben share the big news

Though it may sound very affordable to make two sections of a small half an hour per year, so that tells Torben that they are recording so much material that never gets used for anything.

– There goes the very many hours to make such a broadcast, so it should also hang together. Eventually we figured on a section, there was a 28-minute broadcast has gone over the 30 hours of recordings. We need to have it fitted in with our work, and then it begins suddenly to be many hours.

– We use the time to make up and the sort, so that will be quickly spent between 50 and 70 hours on a single broadcast. And we must also have freedom once in a while.

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It is, however, already clear that viewers have not seen the last of Anders and Torben. 2020 offers a big event for the twins – and they will not cheat the viewers for.

– I can already reveal that there has been sold two more section check. We are betting on at least two sections, Torben and continues:

– To October we keep the 100årsfødselsdag, and they will very much want to. We know not quite, whether it be one or two shows, but more are coming in each fall.

however, They can not yet reveal what is going to happen when they are both the age of 50 years. It has the not planned yet.

– There is a long time, so we should probably find out, laughs Tony.

Torben expect that the new title is sent at the beginning of 2021.

See also: Has once again found love in Thailand