The Swedish klimataktivist Greta Thunberg says at the podium at a meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland, that’s basic, nothing is done to combat climate change, despite her much-publicized campaign.

It writes Reuters.

– I am not a person that will complain without being heard. Voice of young people is not the focus of the discussions, but it must be, says Greta Thunberg according to Reuters at the meeting.

– We are all fighting for the environment and the climate. If you see it in a larger perspective, there are basically not done anything. It will require far more than this. This is only the very beginning, saith the Greta Thunberg.

At the summit involved more than 1500 members of the economic and political elite – but this year also a group of teens from all over the world.

Common for young people is that they are engaged in the community and made a positive noticed. It applies, among other things, the 17-year-old Ayakha Melithafa from Cape Town, which has mobilised support for low-kulstofudvikling in the local area.

The young participants will perform in various events in the course of the summit’s four days.

Not all participants will have the climate on the agenda, when they go on the podium. This applies, among other things, the us president, Donald Trump. He comes and Tuesday up on the first day of the summit after a cancellation last year.