the Comedian Melvin Kakooza is one of Denmark’s most popular comedians just, but it happens despite the fact that he has not made a comedy in a long time. In fact, we must all the way back to august and Smukfest in order to find the most recent time, he was standing on a big stage.

But it is there for a reason.

For everything he touches becomes apparent to the gold. In 2016, he started as a standup-comedian. The year after he won the Danish championship for amateurs of the genre. He went on tour with Tobias Dybvad and performed around in the country before he threw himself over the television media.

Here he is exhibiting in the TV2 programmes ‘Completely black’ and ‘the Grandmaster’, like his tv series ‘Sunday’ has been extended by yet another season with Xee. The many tv tasks has meant that he has cut them down for standup, but it is not over.

he says, as the Extra Blade meets him for the TV Price 2020, where his series of ‘Sunday’ in addition, a few hours later wins the award for ‘Best satire/comedy’.

– I’m coming 100 percent back to standup at some point, but right now I enjoy also just to make the tv and the experiences that come with it, he explains, and adds that he is still active as a comedian, even though it is small.

– I’m at the local open mics still in order to maintain the rhythm, but it is not in the big scenes. I performed at the Skanderborg Festival last year, which was the last big thing I made.

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Is there anything you bet on more than the other?

– I am a mega supporter of the american style, with a not to fix on one genre, but instead get out there and try a whole lot of things. It has been mega cool to try so much so early in his career. I won the DM title so I can find out how to make standup, and at a time it seems also great to make a tour, and then I do it, he says.

Wafande and Melvin Kakooza in the hoopla to the TV Price by 2020. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

It is just three years ago, he won the award as the country’s best amatørkomiker. Since he became professional, and now he stands as the 28-year-old and has little difficulty to understand its own success.

– I’m mega surprised. It would be a lie to say otherwise. I’m mega humble and mega glad that people have welcomed it, I have made. But it is also overwhelming to think that I three years ago were student teachers. Now I am a person who is in the tv, and as people have seen. It’s crazy, he laughs.

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One of the keys is probably that he adjusts a little on the ambitions. When he participates in a program such as ‘the Grandmaster’, is it not, with the general objective to win, he explains.

– If I don’t have fun making it, so it becomes boring to look at and also boring for myself. It’s not always about being the best but about having fun, he says.

In 2020, he must make a new season of the ‘all black’ and another season of the apple of her eye ‘Sunday’, but the goal for the year is more ambitious than that.

– It is to be better at what I’m doing and to get people to smile at home in the living rooms, he strikes fast.