Helle Thorning-Schmidt to be the UN’s new bounty hunter-star.

But an Additional Blade can now reveal that the former’s chairman has direct wires to the tax havens through ownership interests in a company in a tax haven country. In addition, they are sitting in two boards with a direct connection to tax havens.

the united nations has otherwise Wednesday appointed Thorning as chairman in the a new high-level panel to ‘put the focus on the massive global challenges of tax evasion, tax havens and corruption.’

Thorning-Schmidt, the owner, however, even from 15,000 shares in the company Safelane Global Holdings Limited , which is registered in the tax haven of Jersey in The English Channel. It shows a statement submitted to the local register of companies.

Thorning also serves on the board of directors in the Safelane Global. And just three months ago – 1. november 2019 – entered Helle Thorning-Schmidt in the Danish board of directors at Carsoe Group A/S , also has a direct connection to the tax haven of Jersey.

the Owner behind this company are the little bite-sized ‘Plemont Co-Investment No. 1 of the Separate Limited Partnership’, which is also registered at an address in the notorious tax havens.

– Jersey has some of the characteristics, which are typically the hallmark of the, man in daily talk call a tax haven. Among other things, they have low or no corporate taxation. For some companies there is a tax rate of zero, and typically there is no withholding tax on outgoing dividends. That is to say, you can pull the money out without taxation, ” says Anders Nørgaard Laursen, professor of international tax law at Aarhus University, to Ekstra Bladet.

– These structures are not criminals, but it is something which the authorities through a number of years has been in the spotlight. You can use the Jersey as a opsamlingsland, and then funnel money out to the investors from Jersey, and it can do without on taxation in Jersey, he explains to Extra Bladet and expands on that Jersey for many years have been used to channel money out of the EU.

Thorning’s one tax haven connection is registered as a so-called ‘Separate Limited Partnership’ (SLP). This particular corporate structure as well as the merit of being complete tax-free.

– One has to do with a form of company which is registered in Jersey, but there is no taxation of the company as such. A ‘Sepaarate Limited Partnership is transparent for tax purposes, ie. not taxing the company on its income. However, should the owners of the company is taxed on income, ” says Anders Nørgaard Laursen to Ekstra Bladet.

Both the Safelane Global Holdings Limited Jersey and the owner behind the Carsoe Group A/S , where She sits in the board of directors, are registered in the same building in the small island state’s capital, Saint Helier.

a Resident at the address is the company Aztec Group, who advertise with the help to set up companies and register in Jersey. Aztec Group has branches in Jersey, Guernsey and Luxembourg.

The Danish subsidiary, where Helle Thorning sits in the board of directors, acts as a holding company for the other companies in the Carsø group, which among other things produces industrial units for the food industry. The company was founded in november 2018, so there is not yet filed accounts.

Carsø group was bought out in 2018 by private equity fund Solix, as erhversmediet InsideBusiness earlier in the critical articles linked to Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

there is Nothing to suggest that the S-the government has been aware of Helle Thorning-Schmidt, bestyrelsesforbindelse to a shady tax haven country. Thus, it was a very proud minister of foreign affairs Jeppe Kofod (S), who on Wednesday could designate Helle Thorning-Schmidt:

– I am very proud that the united nations reach out for the Danish leadership, when it comes to finding solutions to major global issues such as the green economy and the fight against tax evasion and tax havens.

– We need to intervene actively against the corrupt global financial elite, who are profiting from the international skattefusk, corruption and tax havens, the foreign minister said in a press release.

Ekstra Bladet has through Thursday tried in vain to get a comment from Helle Thorning-Schmidt and continues to work on the case…

the Extra Leaf has also tried in vain to get a comment Carsø group and Safelane Global.

foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod do not want to comment on the information on Thorning-Schmidt’s tax havens-connection.

Aggressive tax havens

Despite its 97.000 inhabitants of the british island-state Jersey has been appointed to be the world’s seventh most aggressive tax havens in a statement, the BBC have published. The list ranks countries where it is easier for multinational companies to get rid of paying tax because of the slap – or favorable – tax legislation.

Thorning owner of 15,000 shares in the Safelane Global registered in Jersey. The value of the participations fades, however, and is not reflected in the company’s afkastrapport. Source: Jersey Financial Services Commission

Here is Helle Thorning’s role in the Safelane Global, which is registered in Jersey. Source: Opencorporates

Of the registration certificate for the Safelane Global, it appears that the social democrats joined the board in 2018. Source: Companies House