The Democratic Party is a start up a new political party, but the party has been a profile richer in the form of the former cyclist Bo Hamburger. The party has only recently been approved as a batch.

Looking at the Bo Returned the birth certificate, he will soon round 50 years. A fact that played into, since he has chosen to throw herself over a political career.

After several years, when Bo Hamburger has flagret around a bit in various occupations, he has been politically active in connection with the fact that he was contacted by The Democratic Party.

– Their overall vision to make the pie bigger instead of getting the biggest piece of the pie is sympathetic, I think. Some kernesager, which is really very important, is public health, both at the mental and physical level, and the fact that there will be more and more overweight, ” says Bo Hamburger Extra Magazine.

Bo Hamburger stand in the Copenhagen Area. Photo: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau Scanpix.
Have put the cards on the table
Bo Hamburgers something delicate dealings with the truth are things of the past, according to the protagonist himself. He hopes that the voters can disregard from previous mistakes.

– There are no more corpses in the cargo. So I just hope, there is forgiveness in the society. But on the other hand, I can well understand if people say, we can now trust him, he lied once before, he may lie again, Bo Hamburger.

the Party’s chairman, Peter Hadden, certify that Bo Hamburger is a part of the new party.

– He is a very warm and friendly person. He has some good opinions about improvements that can be made here in Denmark, says Peter Hjorth.

It appears by the party’s website, that they want to create five new innovationsbyer, where skattefriheder, high welfare and cultural services to attract the best hjernekapaciteter in the world.

Innovationsbyerne must generate an income that will be used on Danish welfare benefits.

– We will finance with a very liberal economy, based on innovation. We will create innovationsbyer, which are some pretty big areas distributed throughout the country. We will start some companies need to research a lot and be innovative in green technology, says Peter Hjorth

Moreover, the party’s work programme, that they want the potential lack of manpower, must be resolved by hand-pick the necessary number of foreigners.

– the Concept is that we want to obtain some skilled foreigners to Denmark. Then we invite them to Denmark on favorable terms, where they live in the here innovationsbyer. The large Danish companies to invest in the cities, also they will get access to the skilled labour, which of course will also consist of skilled danes, ” says Peter Hjorth.

The Democratic Party will repeat the Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s success with a fully tax freeze. In practice, this means that no tax or charge is set up, without any other taxes or charges are reduced correspondingly. By extension, want the lot, that there shall be stay and gift taxes for virksomhedsarvinger.