A repentant and unhappy 60-year-old former bus driver was sitting yesterday, a judge in the Court of Esbjerg.

In July 2019, he was been charged with drink driving in one of Esbjerg city buses, after he had påkørt two cars and a van. One of the former was totalled.

In the bus, which was without passengers, police found a Rema 1000 bag with three bottles of white wine à a litre at the driver’s seat. The same afternoon he had taken a blood test that showed a bac of 2,68, write the Jutland west Coast.

– I had almost hoped that there were passengers with, so that they could have stopped me, told the very concerned man, according to the Jutland west Coast.

He went a few days after the alcohol treatment, and has been drained. He got 20 days behind bars, which otherwise is mandatory in similar cases.

the Judgment is an expression of the fact that I’d rather have him in alcohol treatment than in community service or in prison, the judge said.