Johan Grobler waiting in excitement. In the afternoon take The high Court decide whether his ex-girlfriend being released from a more than a year long pre-trial detention in the Prison, ” Vestre fængsel.

The south african man misses his youngest daughter, who he has not seen since 2018.

She has not only been the centre of a dispute between his father and mother, but involuntarily the subject of massive media coverage.

The then-three-year-old girl’s mother abducted in may 2018 the daughter from south Africa to the mother’s home country, Latvia. It happened despite a south african court bans for both parents to take the child out of the country.

During a stop-over without the daughter in Denmark 8. december 2018 was the Interpol international arrest warrant enabled, and since Kristine Misane been remanded in custody in Denmark, while south Africa has tried to get her extradited for criminal prosecution.

See also: Kristine has not seen the daughter is over a year

the Woman has in several Latvian media and in court explained, that she abducted the daughter of fear for the child’s father. He has according to her been violent.

Now take the father through his three adult children, half siblings of the four-year-old girl, to reply.

– He is a very loving and caring person, finding an adult half-sister of the abducted girl in the well 14 minutes long a well-produced video, which is posted on YouTube and will be placed in the Latvian media.

the Daughter, and the two also adult brothers defending their father and refutes all accusations of violence. The abducted girl’s half siblings dishes instead of the criticism against Kristine Misane.

the Extra Leaf does not have the ability to check neither Misanes or Groblers children’s serious charges, as no Danish courts must take a position.

Here is the case has been a hot potato. It is the, although nearly a year has been finally decided that Denmark will extradite the 46-year-old woman to south Africa.

See also: Latvia criticises Denmark on the grounds of the extradition

For Kristine Misane and her defense attorney have put all possible efforts to prevent the dispensing of it, which she refers to as a third world country. Here she will allegedly have violated his human rights, which is after her and her supports in over a year, it has been the case for both her daughter and son, who now lives with the woman’s sister in Latvia.

the Woman’s ex-girlfriend explains in the video, also, how his and the daughter’s human rights are violated.

See also: Now, the hunger-strikers mother yet not out

the Copenhagen city Court released by Kristine Misane 30. January of this year. Prosecutor Anders Larsson kærede immediate and suspensive effect of the decision to the court of appeal, and the woman was taken back to his cell, where she has been on hunger strike.

‘She’s not well, but survive’, wrote Kristine Misanes sister, Marite Batraka, Thursday night in a message to Ekstra Bladet.

Friday is the prison cell into scholar’s changed with the high court 19. department in Bredgade in Copenhagen, where she hopes to be set free.

– So she travels home, her defender Henrik Stagetorn previously stated.

See also: Latvia protesting against Denmark because of the extradition