Less money for the military and more money for the wall against Mexico is the us president, the Donald Trumps latest move to get built his famous grænsemur.

This writes the news agency Rueters.

exactly, he has reshuffled, what corresponds to more than 26 billion dollars from militærbudgetet to the wall-against-Mexico-budget.

the Wall to the mexican border was a central component of Donald Trumps campaign to become president at the last election, and now you get a genuine injection of capital.

See also: the Pentagon gets a new request for a grænsemur to Mexico

Not surprisingly, the meetings, the outlook on the pengerokaden harsh criticism from the Democratic side.

– the President is showing once again no respect for the distribution of power and puts our safety in danger by looting our militærressourcer to pay for the economic incoherent wall, says Demokranternes representative in the House of Representatives, Nita Lowey, according to Reuters.

Squad-the government has vowed to build a 640-kilometer-long wall along the mexican border by the end of november 2020, when the americans again for the presidential election.

In 2016, proclaimed he loudly, to the mexicans themselves had to pay for the wall, but it has from day one refused on the pure.

Now the situation seems to Trump himself has found the money.

Policy – 24. oct. 2019 – at. 05:41 Trump to laugh after geography-roars

See also: Trump in the defense: Not in Syria in 50 years

Policy – 28. feb. 2019 – at. 07:08 In a few words is amazing he is all the world