It is the few of us who read hjemmesidernes so-called cookiepolitikker. We accept them just.

But a customer of easyJet by the name of Nick Matulovich would like to read about the rules, and therefore he tried to use the link that easyJet referred to.

but There are no EU regulations or guidance, when he followed the link. Instead, he was led on to a escortside.

the Article continues under the tweetet …

Nick Matulovich then wrote to easyJet on Twitter.

– What the hell? Reading your cookie-rules, and then forwards me to a pornoside! Here is a test, where you go out from that, nobody reads it here? Obnoxious! wrote Nick Matulovich on Twitter and put some pictures up of the error.

It turned out that EasyJet was missing an s in the address, and therefore the customer was directed to the wrong website.

See also: New study: Better holiday than sex

– We’ve fixed it with the same, and now we link to the intended page. We are sorry, writing from easyJet in a tweet.

It was the website as easyJet in the first place was trying to refer to. Here you can seek advice and guidance regarding cookies on the web.