Radical and Unity to put pressure on environment minister Dan Jørgensen (S) to get time in the negotiations on a klimahandlingsplan.

Unity threatens, according to the Berlingske tidende, even to overthrow the minister, if not soon to become a set time in the process.

– Many would classify it as a threat. In any case it is quite clear, that if the climate minister cannot cope with the task, and the prime minister will not take responsibility and find someone who can, then we must indeed take action, say political rapporteur Pernille Skipper (EL) to Berlingske.

A broad majority in the Danish Parliament was about three months ago agreed on a klimalov.

the Main element is that Denmark in 2030 will work to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 percent compared to the level in 1990.

the Negotiations on the klimahandlingsplanerne expected to be difficult, since the plans must include specific initiatives to meet the objective of CO2 reduction.

The People’s leader, Morten Østergaard, says to Berlingske that a deal must be in place early in the summer – not later than one year after the general election in 2019.

– We have agreed that the climate should be put at the top, and that klimaloven was followed by a klimahandlingsplan. It means that by 5. June is an agreement in place, he says to the newspaper.

Dan Jørgensen rejects in a written answer to the newspaper criticisms and the points that will be called to negotiations in the coming time.

He believes that the government should await the business recommendations delivered 19. march in conjunction with several climate partnerships.

From a significant member of one of the climate partnerships, however, been questioned about klimamålenes realism.

Michael Lundgaard Thomsen, cementfabrikken Aalborg Portland’s director, who is in charge of a climate partnership within the energy-intensive production, said thus critical to the stock Exchange last week.

– With the current conditions and predictions on the prices and availability of fuels, so when we are not in the goal, said Michael Lundgaard Thomsen to the newspaper.

Støttepartierne have several times in the course of the 2020 urged the minister to increase the pace of the negotiations.