the Probability, to the infectious coronavirus comes to Denmark, has only been increased since the eruption’s start.

It assesses the health and ældreminister Magnus Heunicke (S) to Sealand.

Therefore kept Antvorskov Barracks in Slagelse, and All the Barracks in Birkerød in a state of preparedness and is ready to receive people who are affected by the potentially deadly virus.

– in case of an accident, and a cruise ship calling at Copenhagen, with one or more infected people, we are ready to isolate people on either Cloned or All Barracks, says Magnus Heunicke to Zealand.

– It is the five regions, which have the responsibility to update the level of preparedness, and each of the five regions have had to make space for every 1000 people that can be kept in isolation.

It is not at least a triple digit number of infected people in northern Italy who get the health authorities to increase preparedness.

– It is really serious, especially after coronavirusset now has manifested itself in the EU with a large number of infected in Italy. I do not believe, however, that at any time when the Italian states, where the entire community shuts down, says Magnus Heunicke.

Chairman of the regional council in Region Zealand, Heino Knudsen (S) confirming the information to Life.

He adds that the Vordingborg Barracks, and the naval station of Korsør is in the game and can be used to contain the virus, if it should come to Denmark.

No, the danes have so far been affected by the coronavirus, where the symptoms typically are fever, dry cough, and difficulty breathing.

on Monday, reported State Serum Institute, to the spread of coronavirusset do, that the institute does not exclude, that the virus will find its way to Denmark.

Why will the Board adjust the preparedness in Denmark. It means that capacity can be expanded, so that more hospitals can houses and check on patients who may be infected with the virus.

the national board of Health expects to come up with updated guidelines for health care on Tuesday morning.