A 37-year-old male schoolteacher turned Monday directly to around 60 parents and relatives who had turned up to follow a lawsuit against the man at the Court in Aalborg.

It writes Nordjyske Media.

a Man is sitting in these days indicted for indecent exposure of a large number of schoolgirls, and for possession of child pornography.

He has acknowledged that he is over five years, has filmed total 81 naked and partially naked schoolgirls from 5. to 9. class, while the girls have been in the process of dressing in the school’s dressing room.

– It is difficult to find words for how unhappy I am about it, I have done to you. It is wrong in all possible ways. I’ve broken the trust you had for me. I had no intention of doing any mischief, and I hope that it is pursuing the girls the rest of his life, the man said, according to Nordjyske Media.

The 37-year-old broke several times crying together, when he had to explain to the judge why he has filmed the girls in the period between 1. august 2013 and 4. February 2019, when the two girls discovered a hidden camera in a built-in pen that sat in a bag.

the Teacher said that he did not know where he got the idea from to put spy camera up in the girls ‘ dressing room.

– After the initial recording, I sat for half an hour, and had it so bad over how terrible a thing I had done. I deleted the recording the day after, and so I took a break a year’s time. But then came the urge again, and then it became difficult to manage. It was an adrenaline rush, the man said, weeping.

the Man also told me that the risk of being caught gave him a kind of a kick. He explained that he felt convinced that he would be discovered.

the Police, the technical investigations of the seized video material shows that there has been edited in the footage, so only the sequences with the girls that are left on the recordings. There are a total of 20 recordings. The 37-year-old explained in court that he himself had deleted a part footage.

in addition to having been in possession of the video footage from the school is the man also charged with possession of other child pornography that he found on the web.

It is expected that the falling of the judgment in the case 2. march. The prosecutor has asked for a conditional sentence of imprisonment of six months, while the defender believes that three months is appropriate.