Although the DSB has delivered a deficit of 1.6 billion kroner before tax, Flemming Jensen, DSB’s adm. director, received a bonus of close to a million dollars.

It can Extra Magazine now tell on the basis of gennemregninger of the public company’s annual report.

IN the DSB are the extra lønkroner described as performance-related. In the latest accounts given to Flemming Jensen an annual salary of 5.9 million dollars. In addition, as a bonus, which is weighted by economy and punctuality. Overall it’s intended for, that he meets 70,55 percent of its goal.

With beregningsnøglen means that he gets 910.319 extra on top of the payday.

the Article continues under the picture …

Photo: ritzau scanpix/Jens Dresling

Watchdog DSB lose the IC4-a discount of eur 380 million. kr.

This is despite the fact that the DSB itself describes punktligheden on long-distance trains as being ‘challenged’, and that it is delivered to a minus of more than a billion dollars.

the Extra Leaf has therefore sent a number of questions to the DSB chairman Peter Schütze, who have answered them in writing, via the RAILWAYS’press office. In the answer tells Peter Schütze for the first time publicly, that the DSB now abolish resultatlønnen.

‘Why should Flemming Jensen have performance-related in order to suit his work?’

‘the Salary of the DSB’s directors are, as in many other companies, composed of a fixed salary, pension, a biltilskud and an opportunity for performance-related. The part of the salary is paid as performance-related, are a result of the fact that the DSB has supplied, in full or in part on the goals the board has established.’

‘Last year you said that punktligheden and the economy are important parameters for resultatlønnen. What do you assess as important parameters for the resultatlønnen today?’

‘The two parameters has been the important again this year. Therefore, there have been set targets for the operatørpunktligheden – that is, the part of the punktligheden DSB shall be solely responsible for and for the economy, with an objective for operating profit margin for the underlying operation.’

the Article continues under the picture …

Photo: ritzau scanpix/Jens Dresling

Watchdog Secret note: New beatings to the DSB

‘According to the annual report, the DSB come out with a result of minus 1.6 billion kroner before tax. Punktligheden remains challenged in the remote and regional services, where also the number of customers is declining. How to blend it with performance-related?’

‘It is clear that the large minus on the årsresultatet looks out violently, but it is due to write-downs of the carrying value. When we look at the underlying operation, DSB had a small profit. The operating profit margin on operating profit was lower than expected and therefore there was not the full payment of performance-related on the target.’

‘When it comes to S-train and the Remote and Regional trains have operatørpunktligheden, the punctuality of the DSB shall be solely responsible for, been higher than the targets set out in the DSB’s contract with the state.’

‘Last year you said that the board had not found any reason to change the system. How does the board of directors on the future of this resultatlønsordning of the executive board?’

‘We have in DSB’s board of directors discussed about the performance-related part of the salary package remains the best option for DSB. We have agreed with the executive board decided to propose that the performance-related in the future should not be part of the salary package, and that the current opportunity for performance-related should be replaced by a fixed salary. This means that the fixed salary for the management board increases by an amount equal to a good half of the maximum performance-related.’

Specifically, can the director look forward to a real wage increase of 12.5 percent, which corresponds to 687.734 dollars annually. It requires, however, that the proposal goes through on the virksomhedsmøde – similar to a general assembly – which is 10. march.

Photo: Sanne Vils Axelsen

See also: Draft chokrapport: Banedanmark missing 15,5 billion

See also: Bonusfest in the DSB: Delay and cancellations erupted in June

See also: Bonus-party in the DSB: the Director serves the dual of the prime minister

See also: Revolt against the DSB-management: Risk of it hitting the passengers

See also: crisis of confidence in the DSB: Now, there is summoned to the field

See also: Dennis, running free with the train: Considering the car

See also: Commuter-profile stops: ‘d rather take the car

See also: Outraged politicians: Stop bonuskongerne from DSB