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the Nightmare continues for the former Swedish boksedronnning Frida Wallberg, who began his professional career in boxing of Mogens Palle, with six matches in Denmark back in 2004 and 2005.

Her comeback at home in Sweden 2010, 2011 and 2012 went really well with five victories to follow, but in 2013 it went totally wrong, and she was knockoutet of the australian Diana Prazek to such a degree that she went into a coma.

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even Though she got life back, so have knockouten taken so hard on her, the former has been promoting, that she must often be acute in the hospital and therefore can not be alone with his children.

Now 36-year-old Wallberg again been rushed to hospital, and it is the third time alone in 2020.

– It is really hard now. I have had several attacks, the most recent time, which has made, that I’m forced to take at the hospital, says Wallberg to Expressen.

– It is a terrible pain. Not at all like the usual migraine. This here times started the pain on the left side of the forehead. It glowed intensely. It felt like I had a hole in the forehead.

I was admitted to the neurology and has undergone a number of studies then. But the doctors have not found any explanation. I wish they did, so I could get some sort of help, says Wallberg.

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Frida Wallberg after his nasty knockout back in 2013 – his last battle. Photo: MAJA SUSLIN/ SCANPIX/Ritzau Scanpix

Frida Wallberg debuted in 2004 for Mogens Palle with a victory in the Falkoner Center. Photo: Thomas Sjørup/Ritzau Scanpix

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The last two emergency visits with the ambulance to the university hospital in Linköping came with just a week’s space.

The former boxer get besides the massive pain also nausea, and tells that the worst thing is that she doesn’t know when it happens.

– I can’t take care of myself and be alone anymore. I do have people in my vicinity, if there should happen something. And there are times where I can’t take care of my children, says Wallberg.

Previously, doctors have found that Wallbergs body has stopped produced cortisol, which tends to be equal with a life-threatening condition as a result of the hjerneskaden.

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