– I Wish the hell they had horrible broadcasters.

– They have become too big, they have too much money and they will blow the customers a piece.

– I could not see the fight (Barcelona – Real Madrid), since I’m in the nosee (yousee red).

– the Company that does everything it can to smash their clients tvoplevelse.

Community – 6. nov. 2019 – at. 10:10 YouSee: No agreement with Discovery

How to write Søren B in a comment on the nation! about the joy of watching sport on TV – and frustationen over the number of TV companies and TV-channels and TV-packages and TV subscriptions.
And Søren is not the only one who think that the situation is close to becoming unmanageable.

– I don’t know why I even bother watching TV any more.

– I have ‘only’ the small package from Yousee, but many programs have gone over to that one should check on the web to see the canals and it is my temperament not to.

– I have access to TV2 ekstrakanaler, but there you have to each time enter the information for it can manifestly not save the codes and it is fuc…. annoying – TV2 sport X then you have to pay extra for, to watch football, writes the nation’s! ‘yes,yes’, and in an email to the nation! complaints Poul B also of the situation in the couch:

– Until 2019-one could only see La Liga on the strive.

I was therefore pleased when TV 2 in 2019 bought the rights and began to send one or more matches on the TV 2 sport on Saturday night.

– But then suddenly here in 2020 moved the TV 2 of these matches over at TV 2 Play, and there was only one week, so was La Liga once again moved, this time to TV 2 Sport X.

– It may not be real, that we consumers should just buy the one channel after another in order to ingratiate themselves with Broadcasters greed.

What next they will find on, writes Paul, but what are you thinking?