Australian researchers to work to develop a satellite, which should make it possible to predict where it is most likely that wildfires can occur.

It informs The Australian National University on Wednesday.

the Satellite is about the size of a ‘shoe box’ and to measure the vegetation on the earth as well as its moisture by using infrared detectors.

the Hope is that the collected information can help to predict how wildfires start.

the Technology will be specifically developed to examine the australian plants such as eucalyptus trees, which is easily flammable.

the Hope is that one can engage with the private sector and to share data with firefighters in Australia.

– The infrared technology and data, which are not available yet, will be able to help with targeting controlled burnings, which can reduce how often bushbrande takes place, and how serious they are, ” says Marta Yebra, an expert in infrared technology, in a communication from The Australian National University.

the Development of the technology is expected to take five years.

Scientists have said that global warming has been to make the country’s summers hotter and thus more dangerous.

at the same time makes the shorter winters and the more difficult to implement fire prevention.

Since september, at least 34 people died in the australian wildfires that have ravaged the country’s east coast. It is estimated that around one billion animals are dead.

in Addition, is barely 2800 home and 186.000 square kilometers of land have been razed.