Copenhagen discount stores shake vigorously on the head, after Frank Jensen on Monday stressed that he will extinguish the fire in Copenhagen about 16,000 stoves.

In an interview on Radio4 spoke the lord mayor with contempt about the city’s ’horrible bad air’ created by wood stoves, and he told, specifically, to wood burning stoves is the largest source of harmful particles.

Also informed Frank Jensen, that if we dump the 16,000 stoves, it will have the greatest impact on health for the city’s citizens.

particulate matter is close over such a district (with many stoves, red.), and most of us have been out to go for a walk or run in the tour in such a neighborhood, so imagine being a small child who must lie and sleep out in it there, he said in the interview.

the Proposal to ban wood stoves is just to throw into the flames in the stove, believe skorstensfejermester Henrik B. Jensen.

Skorstensfejermesteren states that Frank Jensen’s proposal is not based on truth, but is both ’misleading and manipulative’.

– It is on a vexatious basis, he’s running so hard against the wood-burning stoves, and it is quite unfair that the copenhagen brændeovnsejere, brændeovnsproducenter and discount stores must have shot in the shoes, that they are contributing to murder.

– we will simply not be, says Henrik B. Jensen, who is also president of Skorstensfejerlaugets the Environment.

See also: Minister: 55.000 Danish home should scrap the stove

Skorstensfejermesteren regard to the report on luftforeningen in Copenhagen from 2013.

the Report shows in contrast to Frank’s opinion, that the vast majority of the particles in Copenhagen – about 92 percent – comes from foreign sources.

The remaining eight percent is derived according to the report from the stoves and the local road traffic, of which wood stoves are about six of the total eight points.

According to the chimney sweep Henrik B. Jensen will skorstensfjernes income base will be less, if it succeeds Frank Jensen to ban wood-burning stoves in Copenhagen. Photo: Ole Lind
Steen Solvang Jensen, head of division, specializing in air pollution at Aalborg University and co-author of the report referred to, confirms that the vast majority of the particles come from abroad.

Thus, according to the researcher, also not true, when Frank Jensen says that the wood stoves is the largest source of harmful particulate matter in the capital.

– Yes, so it can certainly be misunderstood.

– He should have said, that it is in relation to the sources, who is in Copenhagen, says Steen Solvang Jensen.

See also: environment Minister: No ban on wood stoves

Nor is Frank Jensen’s announcement that the stoves have the greatest impact on the health, holds water.

According to Steen Solvang Jensen shows a up to date report from 2017, that the majority of the ’early deaths’ comes from harmful particles that come from abroad and is blown into over Copenhagen.

– We say in round figures that about ten percent of premature deaths are due to the local emissions in Copenhagen. The rest comes from sources in abroad, which therefore constitutes a very large part, says the researcher.

Frank Jensen, states: Talking about particles emitted in Copenhagen

the Extra Leaf has in vain asked Frank Jensen, whether he will participate in an interview about his opinion of Radio4.

It yesterday could not do.

In a written response clarifies that he was speaking solely about the sources in Copenhagen, when he said that wood stoves are responsible for the largest portion of the hazardous particulate matter in Copenhagen.

‘wood stoves is the major culprit when it comes to local pollution, i.e. the pollution created in the city. And when it comes to particle pollution, overshadowing wood stoves for cars and is the largest local source of pollution.’

‘I do not have any influence on the pollution generated in other countries. In return, I have an influence on the pollution created locally here in Copenhagen, and it is, I have stated me on.’

‘So even if there are also external sources of particle pollution, so it does not change my point of view, that we should not find ourselves in the pollution from wood-burning stoves in cities such as Copenhagen has climate-friendly district heating’, writes Frank Jensen.