in Order to limit the coronasmitte employees in the health and care sector, who have travelled in areas of risk, required to be at home in two weeks.

It informs the Health and Ældreministeriet. The measure is targeted at staff who have direct contact with citizens.

It can be doctors, nurses or social assistants.

the Measure is among several measures the government put in the lake in order to reduce the onset of corona.

– What is the task now, is to provide the best options that the authorities can do everything they can to prevent corona virus spread, says prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) on Tuesday evening to DR News.

the Recommendation applies to the four Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto. They are in the northern part of the country.

in Addition, it is the whole of China except Taiwan, Hong kong and Macau. For south Korea it is the province of Gyeongbuk and the city of Daegu. In addition, it is the whole of Iran.

the Measure is estimated to affect ‘some hundred’, who work in the health and care sector.

– We ask them to be flat, so they are not in contact with the weak and the elderly. So it is not outright hjemmekarantæne, says the director of the national board of Health Søren Brostrøm at a news conference.

The health workforce will get pay while they are away from work, ” says Mette Frederiksen, to TV2 News.

At the trade union Danish Sygeplejeråd hills president Grete Christensen up on the resolution.

– It is important that we, as the suits on the other, is not likely to spread any infection to the sick and weak people, says Grete Christensen in a comment.

so far, there have been ten confirmed cases in Denmark. That has not been registered any deaths.

Earlier Tuesday told the ministry that you have taken of section ten in epidemiloven in use from Saturday the 29. February, when it comes to coronaviruses.

This is the virus is now subject to the same rules in epidemiloven, covering the most dangerous diseases. It gives the authorities a wide range of new powers, should they find them necessary.

It is, among other things, that you can force people into quarantine can tvangsvaccinere, ban public assemblies and impose autoplay.

Coronavirus originated from China earlier in the year and has spread over most of the world.

In Europe, specially northern Italy, hard hit, where on Tuesday evening total registered 2502 cases and 79 deaths due to the disease.

In Denmark, over 100 persons quarantined because of suspicion that they may be infected.