Mads Møller’s lucky to be alive.

The feeling he is sitting back with, after a man Sunday afternoon lost control of his car on the Thorvaldsensvej, Frederiksberg, and then slammed into a tree, and up on the sidewalk, only 30 meters from where Mike and his heavily pregnant girlfriend strolled with their two-year-old son in a stroller.

– It is a miracle that there was no something, says Mads Møller to Ekstra Bladet.

in Addition to the Mads and family, who together were on their way to boo, cycled a father with his child farther along the road, just as another parent was walking with a stroller.

– I’m crazy happy that it has not went wrong. But at the same time is it insanely uncomfortable to think that it was chance that determined that no one was hit, tells familiefaren, who daily works as a journalistic redaktionsleder on P3.

Mads Møller heard the car before he saw it.

– We are going walking, and then I hear suddenly a car gases up and make the wheel spin for several seconds. I look up and see the car disappear around a corner and out of my field of vision, says Mads Møller.

Away he could hear the accident happen.

– I hear the wheels sliding, and a second after the sound that a big bang. My son wakes up from his nap in the stroller and asking what it was for a sound, he says.

Mads Møller raced in the direction of the sound and saw that the car had flown through a wood, had been hurled 180 degrees around and now stopped on the bike path.

– I run over to the car, opens the door and asks the driver if he is okay. It is he, and since starting a lot of images running around in my head. He ran the wrong, exactly where we would have been 20 seconds later. The mere thought of what the consequences could have been unbearable, says Mads Møller.

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Mads Møller hope that the driver of the car is ashamed of the incident. Private
So was the concern for the driver of the car replaced by anger. Mads began to shout at the man.

– I was so angry and it still is, for it is completely innocent people, he put in mortal danger. I think it is bundegoistisk, beats Mads Møller fixed.

Mads hope and believe that the motorist, who was himself much shaken, has learned something from the incident. In addition, he hopes that his story can help get people to think better about in traffic.

– But I dare not count on anything. You hear, often, that it goes wrong, says Mads Møller, who hope that the motorist will get banned from ever driving a car again, knowing that the kind of punishment can hardly be the case.

– We are lucky that we escaped with fright, he says.

Copenhagen Police confirms the incident to Ekstra Bladet.