In July last year I got diagnosed with breast cancer. Left breast and all the lymph nodes under the arm were removed.

Then I was through the 12 kemobehandlinger (3 large and 9 small), and 25 radiation treatments. I got the last radiation for a little over 3 weeks ago.

Policy – 2. mar. 2020 – pm. 16:17 EU raises risk assessment for the corona and forces kriseteam

so begins the nation’s! Ida H a letter about the corona virus and the risk of being infected and becoming seriously ill.

Ida would like to strike a blow for, to all think a little more about in these times, where the WHO, the EU and the various countries ‘ health authorities almost daily raises the risk of infection. Her letter continues thus:

– For exact-a-half years ago, I was in time with the first three kemobehandlinger.

– They were so violent, that my immune system was completely turned in the bottom. My white blood cells were virtually non-existent, and I was urgently admitted with a fever two times.

Luckily my parents and took care of my daughter, who at the time was just under 3 years.

– I was not afraid, for I was in good hands. I also was not so influenced by the kemoen, so apart from the two admissions, so I worked actually full-time during the entire kemoforløbet as a high school teacher. It went fine.

– If I had been treated with chemo today, so I had been very much afraid.

– I would have been one of those that will be mentioned in a subordinate clause in the media, when it says that the coronavirussen not at all dangerous for the healthy, and that it is only those with compromised immune systems and the elderly, be careful.

– But how do we, if the others don’t fit in?

– There is no reason to panic, but we are all responsible to do what we can to reduce the spread of infection. The hander is not on the mundbind, for coronavirussen is not airborne. It’s about good hand hygiene and common sense.

– If you follow these simple advice, then you are well on your way:

1. Washing hands often (remember the wrists, the father and between the fingers) and rubbing alcohol the hands of. Everyone should have a small tube of håndsprit in the bag. Pump two times and use 30 seconds on that benefits the disinfectant everywhere on your hands.

2. Do not touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth) if you f.ex. sitting in the train. You can have the virus on your hands.

3. Avoid the handshake. I have seen my general practitioner doctor giving a handshake to the patients, but she sprittede a few seconds after.

4. If you need to cough/sneeze, do it in the arm – not in the hands.

5. Keep distance to others.

– If everyone follows these simple advice, then do people with impaired immune systems not to be quite so scared.

– the Image here is from my first treated with chemo. The red chemo is the worst, and it was the one I got the first three times.

– Please think of all the patients to have chemo next week. Think also of those who have other chronic diseases. You can’t always look at people, if they are sick.

– Let us do what we can to take care of all the people. It is a little effort for each of us, but the reflections can make a big difference, writes Ida, if of good advice, similar to the ones you can read on the Danish sundhedsstyrelses website:

1. Good hand hygiene, primarily the sink, possibly. no hand disinfectant available, if the hands are clean and dry

2. Avoid contact with persons who have symptoms of colds and/or respiratory tract infection

3. Cough or sneeze in engangslommetørklæde, alternatively, in albuebøjningen