
– We are two ordinary people on the 33 and 37 year – and we have just got a ’gold nugget’, which will be 2 months here in the beginning of march.

– We’ve had her at home without any problems other than snot and the common cold – and just saw her two ventricles, which are not grown together yet

But on Friday, the municipality will take our daughter.

See also: Officer threatens mom: If you quibble you more, it goes over your daughter

How to initiate M and C a letter to the nation! to feel persecuted by the system and complete powerless in the relationship to prove that you are a good mother and father. M and K have known each other for 9 years and have a total income of approximately 24.000 dkk after tax subtotal – write because they are going to a meeting on Friday with local people.

See also: Mother cried when the letter came: The 15-year-old wept when the police brought her

And they have the feeling that the decision about the order is taken. And therefore they will like to hear if there are any, if you can help with a good advice to what they can say to the local authority so they can get their daughter home, when the meeting is over. The letter continues namely as follows:

– In the beginning, I had a midwife, as not’ able to li me, but after a shift to a new and supportive midwife, it went well – also with fødselsforberedelsen.

– However, after I was born, the municipality has been on the neck of the us.

– First it was because it didn’t go so well with breastfeeding, and we went on the bottle with milk for our gold nugget

And since then there has not been a single day where they haven’t been here. They are here two times for two hours each day – also on weekends

– But they find only failure, and does not see that our daughter is working fine and take good care of and thrive and to also receive praise from the doctors at the hospital where we go for control of her heart.

– No, the municipality considers something else – they think that we here’s can cope with being a mother and a father and child.

– They have convicted us without thinking of our daughter, which is very morglad and can find to cry, when she is not with us.

– We have heard that they are thinking to remove her, and give us only allowed to see her a few hours every other week.

– Using the…what shall we say to the municipality so that we can take her home, ending the letter, as M and K hope can get someone to give a good advice.