Minus 78,7 million. kr.!

Brøndby provided a new katastroferegnskab for 2019. Now Vestegnens fodboldflagskib lost 335,4 million. kr., since Jan Bech Andersen joined the club in 2013.

the Lack of player sales, declining ticket and tv revenue, as well as a generally lower turnover is the reason for that Brøndby have provided blood-red figures on the bottom line.

Brøndby back in 2016 presented its eight-year strategy up to 2023 was one of the items credibility – we come up with realistic proposals economic and sporting reasons, stood there.

The economic credibility got a new crack with the financial statements and is now hanging in tatters after the worst accounts ago 2014.

despite the miserable accounts is Jan Bech Andersen convinced that Brøndby now are on the road toward better times in the future.

Carsten V. Jensen is in the process of doing the Brøndby squad younger. Jan Bech are already seeing results of the work, because each point now costing less lønkroner. Photo: Philip Davali.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with the chairman and majority shareholder Jan Bech Andersen, who shall have the answer to our question to the situation in Brøndby.

Jan, credibility and community is the motto of the strategy 6.4. How do you think it goes with the credibility?

– Well it is as uncommon hard, and again completely and utterly unacceptable to present a deficit of the character, but our task as management and the board is, of course, to get this reversed as soon as possible.

– We are fully aware of the causes and know where we need to put in, the work started already last year.

We were and are heading in the right direction on many parameters but for a sensible, 2018, where we presented a surplus for the first time in 12 years, was 2019 clearly unsatisfactory and not what we expected, and it is understandable that the credibility on the altar of a crack. But as I said, it is now our task as management and the board to keep focus, work hard and be disciplined – show perseverance and otherwise provide what we have announced, writes Jan Bech Andersen in his response.

Jan Bech Andersen call årsresultatet in Brøndby for unsatisfactory and recognizes that the credibility of the got a crack. Photo: Lars Poulsen.

Why it could go so wrong with your statements in relation to your predictions? (expected minus 10-20 ended up with minus 78,7)

– First and foremost, it is beyond any doubt, that the result is unacceptable.

– It is quite obvious that when we don’t have transferindtægter of significant nature, then it will have a big influence on the overall result.

– We actually had the opportunity to sell players, but selected by the sporting reasons not to do it, at the same time that we sold Hany Mukhtar in August 2019 but first, with accounting effect from 1/1 2020.

In addition, we got the last of the summer transfervindue the ability to reinforce the team, which we with the future in mind, chose to do, in spite of the worsening consequences in the short term, writes Jan Bech Andersen.

Brøndby has lost 335 million. kr., since you came into the club. Where is your pain threshold for how much money you want to throw in the club?

– I feel confident that we finally have turned this and from here on the way to significantly better times, but it requires hard work, persistence, skill and not least the discipline – and we need to deliver on – and I am sure we do. The positive is we continue to trender positive on several other important parameters in the company and I am delighted that our stakeholders in the degree of support and, not least, welcomes the efforts we have made over the last six-nine months, he writes on.

Jan bech Andersen has great confidence, that Carsten V. Jensen can make the Brøndby squad younger and at the same time make the players more marketable, while they are still young. Photo: Philip Davali.

Why is the expectation that In with the savings on spillerbudgettet can meet the new objective of the top-3?

-It is the same issue that goes again and again – the answer is actually simple: Even with the savings, we have a top-3-4 budget, so it would be lacking in ambition not to go after a minimum of a third place.

– Since Carsten V. joined, it is already evident that we will get more points per lønkrone, it is an important KPI for us. And when we look at the squad, there is room for further optimization, and I have no doubt that we are heading in the right direction.

– 2019-the result is because of that we have not achieved satisfactory sporting performance, with the associated lack of related revenues – compared to lønkrone per point. Therefore, it is an absolute focal point, that we are better able to get their own players through to the A-squad, but then of course we must be significantly better to recruit so we create value – both in the short and long course, explains Jan Bech Andersen.

Jan Bech Andersen will only have new co-investors into Mcdonalds, if they will invest strategic in nature. Photo: Lars Poulsen.

do you Expect new investors in the Brøndby of this year?

– We are now through the emissions, which has created the necessary peace and space so that any co-investors shall be strategic in nature – otherwise not, says he.

You have provided a guarantee to september 2021. Does it end here?

– We keep full focus on turning the business and again that I feel convinced we do.

do you Expect still a Brøndby in balance in 2022?

– Yes, I am quite sure, writes Jan Bech Andersen.

Minus 335 million. kr. with Jan Bech

Jan Bech Andersen came into Bolton in 2013. Since Brøndby only once managed a surplus. Six times have the club supplied the deficit in the period. Total deficit for the period is 335,4 million. kr.

2019: -78,7 million. kr.

2018: +10.4 million. kr.

2017: -24,8 million. kr.

2016: -31,9 million. kr.

2015: -17,0 million. kr.

2014: – 153,8 million. kr.

2013: – 39,6 million. kr.

See also: Brøndby styrtbløder: Large millionunderskud

FC København – 4. mar. 2020 – pm. 15:37 I am changing strategy: Will keep longer at the players

See also: Peter Schmeichel defence: – It is ridiculous

See also: Big deficit in AaB