Mikael Torpegaard at home in his native land on even a short visit after more than five years as a resident of the UNITED states, and the lives ’over there’ can’t be denied.

the best-ranked tennis player has set his cap reversed on, and during the conversation blends the american quibble, quite naturally, in his rapid, Danish volley.

The runs in the major scale, for the world number 170 has it really good with himself after a nice shoal in Ohio, with tournament win in Cleveland and the subsequent semi-final at home in Columbus, where he since 2014 have been affiliated with the Ohio State University.

– It was very good timing. Both in relation to my self-confidence and my ranking, which I had to defend a part of points from my tournament victories last year.

– So now I’m back in the Top 200 for cards to be dropped out, and now I’m sure to be able to play grand slam qualification in years, ” says Torpegaard after Wednesday’s training session ahead of this weekend’s Davis Cup match against Puerto Rico in Holbæk.

He has yet to crack the nut to play themselves into the main tournament in one of the four biggest tournaments, and it is obviously a focal point. But just to be in the lucrative qualifying tournament for peace on the back.

– It is the first step – both mentally and financially – for there is quite a lot of money in make up and maybe win a round. It gives a certain peace, to you four times a year can get the injection and not needing to go too much up in the economic the rest of the year, for it may well go in addition to your tennis, he explains.

– I still have my sponsors over there and the support from Columbus, so it stresses me, but it is nice to be self-propelled.

The 25-year-old dane also feels spillemæssigt quite well running, and it gives optimism in relation to yet another drømmemål.

– I think I’m on a good rate from the beginning of the year. But there must also prevail in the two-three challenger tournaments (just under ATP-level) more, before I reach into the Top 100.

– It is getting harder and harder the next piece, so I need to find a high, stable level. But the good luck streak has given me the belief that I might win more of them. It is hugely important that I’ve got the good start of the year, he says, and nods ahead.

Mikael Torpegaard won’t forget his stretching exercises, but it is especially the mental, he has screwed up. Photo: Lars Poulsen
Especially on a professional parameter has he turned up the heat.

I have been working a lot mentally and is starting to work much more closely with my mental coach over in Columbus.

– I’ve got more peace in my game and go more up in the to rely on the process than on the results. It has given me the confidence to think more to make it right.

– I talk with him before and after matches but also for training. He is also trained tennistræner. I have worked with him for a year but have really understood the importance now.

– I feel like I have the game. Now it’s all about stability and faith in it. He is very important to me.

Mikael Torpegaard is the home games in the Davis Cup a welcome opportunity to get a break from the international tennistur.

– My manager has been a little against, that I’m taken home to play the Davis Cup in recent times, the race provides it.

– But it gives me so much to come home and say hello to those you love. On the way, it is a mental break, which means a lot to me.

Mikael Torpegaard is returned with the bag filled with self-confidence, and Frederik Løchte (th) think also that he is soon to hit Top 100. Photo: Lars Poulsen
His team captain Frederik Løchte Nielsen has high hopes that Torpegaard soon cross the drømmegrænser, he has set himself.

– It is important for him to identify what needs to assert itself across the Top 100 players, he says.

– He has shown that he can continuously make itself at challenger level, has found several tournaments and been in the finals. He plays well up against players who are 200-300. The next will be to find out what is going to make the difference to the next step.

– There are bad players than him who have been in the Top 100. Tennissen is there, and he has a good set up and a good mentality, so of course it is a possibility.

See also: Large Danish tennis-triumph of the will

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