soccer star Ronaldinho gets rid of the charge of traveling with false passports in Paraguay.

It informs the public prosecutor Federico Delfino, after Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto de Assis Moreira was questioned for more than seven hours in the capital of Paraguay, AsunciĆ³n.

– But it is on condition that they acknowledge the crime they are accused of, which in this case is the use of fake documents, says the prosecutor.

Ronaldinhos lawyer had earlier told that the former Barcelona profile, and his brother had traveled with fake passports.

– We have charged several people in the case, said prosecutor Federico Delfino.

– Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto have provided relevant information, he says.

this is Why they are no longer under suspicion in the case.

the Prosecutor says, that the brethren acted in good faith when they after his statement received fake documents from Paraguay.

– The information they gave us is very useful in the fight against organised criminals who produce fake documents, says the prosecutor.

According to the chefefterforsker Gilberto Fleitas received Ronaldinho a false passport from the brazilian businessman Wilmondes Sousa Lira, which has been arrested.

According to Adolfo Marin has Ronaldinho told the prosecutor, that the documents in question were given to him in Brazil a month ago.

Ronaldinhos lawyer insisted earlier Thursday that the retired garnered nearly raised with its own documents and not subject to any travel restrictions.

The brazilian authorities confiscated the Ronaldinhos passport in november 2018, when he failed to pay a fine of 2.5 million dollars – nearly 17 million – for environmental damage.

the Damage had arisen in connection with the construction of a property in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil.

the 39-year-old Ronaldinho was invited to the House of a charity for needy children and to promote his new book.