Banedanmark has reported to the police a former employee for bribery.

The state board has also found that several current and former employees have been involved in dubious circumstances. In certain cases they may have been illegal.

It informs Peter Jonasson, ceo of Banedanmark. He calls the case to be unacceptable.

– We have some instances where some employees have found it difficult to know the difference between our and their, and what you do for our external contractors. It is clearly not in order, says Peter Jonasson, ceo of Banedanmark.

As examples, mention the Certifications that a contractor has been using to draw up offers and tasks for Banedanmark, invitations to paid parties and events and sponsorship to a private football club.

Banedanmark has on Friday reported to the police a former employee for the sponsorship, which was at about 4000 crowns.

the contractor, who has provided the sponsorship is reported to the police for bribery.

The state agency was in the summer of 2018 inquiries from Berlingske on suspicion of bribery, abuse of office and theft. The suspicion was directed against 23 named former and current employees of the agency.

On the basis set Banedanmark a number of internal inquiries in time.

Among other things, is over 600,000 emails from 2011-2018 been restored. It has not been technically possible to restore emails that were older than it, informs Banedanmark.

– The concrete facts, we have found, is from 2011-2014.

– There are several departments at Banedanmark, who have been involved, but I think it is important to say that there are individuals who have been unable to find out what is good behavior in the public or the difference between my and your.

– I think it is totally unacceptable. Banedanmark is a samfundsvigtig institution. We manage very large public funds, and you must be able to have confidence in an organization like ours, says Peter Jonasson.

the Agency has made ‘human steps’ on the basis of the information, but the ceo would not say what it covers.

– It is the civil service tribunal, but we take the consequences, we can, because we will not accept it here.

the Agency can not deny that there also are newer than those, which it has discovered. The attorney general has been asked to conduct an external investigation of the case.

It will go in time within the next few weeks, information.

The calls on all who have knowledge of the matter, to use either the anonymous whistleblowerordning or otherwise contact.