A 28-year-old man from san francisco has been more than plain bad to buy the ticket ahead of his train journeys with DSB.

It shows a statement that the DSB has made, and which forms the basis of a trial in the next week to be settled at the Court in Næstved, denmark.

Here, DSB will try to get a judge to determine that the 28-year-old owes DSB 54.750 million for no fewer than 73 travel by train, as the man according to the DSB has made.

In all cases have a ticket inspector on a train somewhere in Denmark printed a so-called kontrolafgift to the man. A kontrolafgift is 750 dollars and will be given to a passenger of one or the other reason does not have the ticket.

The many train is, according to the retsmødebegæringen happened in the period between the 3. may 2017 and 22. december 2018. DSB claims that the man has paid so much as a penny.

It is also, therefore, that the case is now end up in front of a judge.

At DSB, you can experience from time to time for passengers, as the wonder of not paying. Vice president Aske Wieth-Knudsen says to Ekstra Bladet, that the DSB look with great seriousness at the systematic cheating.

– In such situations is part of our debt collection agency a dialogue with the customer on a voluntary afdragsordning. If it is not possible to conclude an agreement with the client, initiate a civil action to recover the money now or in the future, if the customer gets a job and ability to pay. Finally, we have the opportunity to make an attachment of earnings order in the public system, says Aske Wieth-Knudsen to Ekstra Bladet.

DSB carrying every day approximately half a million passengers.