Klimastrejker across the country are cancelled as a result of the authorities ‘ recommendations on the major events should be cancelled to avoid the spread of the infectious coronavirus.

It informs the environmental movement Fridays For the Future of Denmark in a press release late Friday evening.

That was Friday the 13th. march be held demonstrations in 16 Danish cities, including Copenhagen, Roskilde, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg.

Organizers estimated that about 10,000 young people would have been on strike from their training to participate in the demonstrations.

the Purpose of the strikes was ‘to demand ambitious climate action and a stop for the eighth licensing round of nordsøolie’.

the Organization regrets that it has been forced to cancel the strike in march.

It says Sasha Søndergaard-Hearn, who is the coordinator of the Fridays Of the Future, in the message.

– We are in a crisis situation, and every second counts. Therefore, it is of course very regrettable that we will have to cancel or postpone klimastrejken. There is a need for climate action now, ” she says.

the Organization will therefore continue its work to shout environment minister Dan Jørgensen (S) up through a campaign called ‘Drop the Oil Dan’ on social media and in the press, says.

– Our goal is that Dan Jørgensen cancel it and all future bidding rounds, and thus put an end to the Danish petroleum industry association, says the message.

– Even on Fridays For the Future takes responsibility and cancels events due to the risk of coronasmitte are up.

The next klimastrejke planned to continue to be held 24. april.

It’s the Swedish klimaaktivist Greta Thunberg, who is behind this initiative and Fridays For the Future, that has spread to the whole world.