It came as a big surprise when the Danish reggae and dancehallstjerne Wafande in the summer announced that he would set his career as a solo artist.

See also: record Label after Wafandes shock-stop: It is sad

In a posting on Instagram told of the successful musician, who is behind hits such as ‘Give’ me a smile’ and ‘Naughty’ that he would switch tracks and seek new challenges.

And he found now, he reveals.

When Wafande according to plan releasing his last solo album for the summer – from which the single ‘No ID’ is published on Friday – will he in the future put all efforts to write and produce music for others.

He has signed a contract with Danish GL Publishing and american Ultra International Publishing, which has hired him to write songs.

– It is a piss bold start. They put a lot of money that I can spend time in the studio, and it gives the air that I can concentrate on writing music in the future, he says.

The Danish reggaestjerne Wafande has signed a contract with Danish GL Publishing and american Ultra International Publishing and the rates are now all on to write songs for other artists. Photo: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

Pt. have Wafande among other things, written the single ‘4 YA’ to the German dj-duo Hyperclap, as he still works with, and he is also working on a Korean r’n’b number.

– It is still fairly new for me to write to others, but I have a nice feeling that I’m good at it. But it is also nerve-racking. It feels a bit like starting all over again, and it’s now a good decision?

– But I think that it is healthy for all people to be a little on the deep water from time to time and try something new. Otherwise, the developer, if you don’t, he says.

Wafande broke in earnest through the sound barrier, when in 2011 he released the happy number ‘Gi’ me a smile’, and the success was followed by several Danish-language hits.

in Addition, Wafande for many years been a judge in the talentprogrammet ‘Voice Junior’, which was last shown on Channel 5 in the spring of 2019.

When he in the summer announced that he had decided to stop his solo career and a switch track, was it in several things.

For two-three years ago he began to seriously write music for other artists and for films and tv commercials, and it turned him wild.