the PARK (Ekstra Bladet): I, FC Midtjylland, here is the championship.

Horsens gave enough of a walk to central jutland a helping hand in mesterskabskampen, as they created a small sensation in the Park.

On a scoring of Alexander Ludwig ten minutes before time to beat the Bo henriksen’s crew is a weak-playing FCK team 1-0, and it now looks very bleak for FC Copenhagen mesterskabschancer.

They are still nine points behind FC Midtjylland and plays everything other than masterfully in the premier League.

a Long time it looked like a match that not only would go in history, because it was held without spectators. It was also among the dullest Superliga matches were played in the Park.

Chances were few, and the sad framework – a yawning empty the Park – got to remind about a test match.

FC Copenhagen got otherwise quickly a use, and returning Mikkel Kaufmann got a few fix options after the post.

however, It was not something that really tested Matej Delac in the Horsens goal. It did Zeca to turn in the 8. minute, when he captured the ball from Jonas Thorsen on Horsens’ court.

Zeca got a highway down towards the Delacs goal, but the Croatian goalkeeper saved superbly FCK-anførerens completion. Delac was initially not allowed to freeze much of the windblown in the Park.

FCK got the pressure Horsens far back, and a neighborhood inside the showdown had to Delac stretch to save a hard-pressed Malte Kiilerich from scoring own goals.

After the difficult first quarter came Horsens better with. They created remains nothing, but got to put a stop to the home team.

There was not much to rejoice for karantæneramte Stale Solbakken, who alternately sat, stood and walked mutters alone in the sterile C-tribune.

After a half an hour outside chances could judge Morten Krogh whistle for the break, and the few people present in the Park might find that the game roughly had matched the mood in the empty nationalarena.

It started out not much better in the second half.

Horsens came a little further forward on the pitch and had won a couple of corners, but got nothing out of the effort.

At the other end was Michel Santos stuck in the depth of the 55. minutes. He had tampered with the ball nicely down, but the angle was for the tip for the uruguayan striker, and the end ended in sidenettet.

Bard Wiggen, who in the Stale Solbakkens absence specified in the FCK-bench, sent Mohamed Daramy on the track, but it was not much better. FCK had a hard time finding holes in the yellow wall.

As the only one in the Park clapped Bo Henriksen excited in the hands.

A hjørnesparksscoring from Horsens’ Ludwig got it to sortne for FCK’s mesterskabsdrømme. Photo: Jens Dresling

It was, according to the empathetic Horsens-manager, excellent, what his team accomplished.

Østjyderne managed to hold FC Copenhagen from the really big chances. Michael Santos was one of the smaller ones with small twenty minutes again, but his tåhyler fes past.

A quarter of an hour before the time was Viktor Fischer comeback, when he took over from Rasmus Falk, but also not kantprofilen could make a difference.

It looked like a nulløsning, but with ten minutes again came to Horsens in front after a corner kick. Kalle Johnsson was not properly grip the ball, and Alexander Ludwig hewed resolutely to the loose ball.

It was allowed to pass both friends and enemies, and so was doomed Horsens-cheering in the Park. Viktor Fischer tested Delac, but kroaten consisted, and FC Copenhagen did not manage to make something new comeback.

the Gold is in all ways very far away.

Horsens, denmark-cheers in front of the empty spectator. Photo: Jens Dresling

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