Can you be fired if you smoke in quarantine? And you get the salary, if one puts himself ill with the coronavirus?

the deputy permanent Secretary at The trade union’s principal organization Peter Nisbeth responded Sunday to questions about the coronavirus and the profession from Extra the Magazine’s readers.

You can read some of his answers below.
Erhvervsekspert responds to readers ‘ questions you are entitled to wages during quarantine?

Is this a doctor/the authorities, who put in the quarantine, you are asked in the same way as disease. Ie. with sick pay, unemployment benefits or full pay. It depends on the employment agreement and the agreement.

If it is the employer, who send home, is it with full pay.

My employer want to send colleagues in hjemmekarantæne in 14 days, if they have been in risk zones – without pay. Is it legal?

It is the authorities and/or a doctor who can put people in “quarantine”. If the employer says that one should not meet at work, as a starting point, something that must be paid regular salary for the.

It can make themselves different, if one is raised to a risikozone at a time when it was announced, that it was a risikozone. So you can’t expect to get pay.

If you travel to risk areas, and must therefore be in the 14-day isolation then – Can the employer then invoke reckless behavior and not paying the salary during the isolation?

Yes, if you travel at the present time, where you can foresee that you are unable to attend at work, when you come home. It is something else, if you traveled before it was announced, that one should stay home 14 days.

What is the definition of a risikozone?

With the risk areas, I mean the countries and territories, as the authorities have advised against all unnecessary travel to. Ie. China, four regions in northern Italy, Iran, and an area in south Korea.

Taking one with eyes open for it at the present time, will not be able to expect to pay, if you can’t or may not get to work, when you come home.

are ordered into quarantine and is partially provisionslønnet. How I’m posed with the lost commissions?

You are treated in the same way, as if you are on sick leave. So it depends on your employment agreement and what the agreement you are covered by.

Can you refuse work assignments if you are afraid of the risk?

You may refuse a work assignment if there is a risk to your safety or health. But it must be a real risk.

Ie. there must be something that speaks for the fact that your health is in danger. You can hardly say, for ordinary healthy people, at the present time. It will depend on the public health assessment.

How am I asked, if I as a self-employed taxavognmand being put in quarantine? Is there an opportunity to apply for any refund ifm. expenditure on the car for the period of time, or should you even be able to pay of?

If you are a member of an unemployment fund for the self-employed, you can probably get unemployment benefits away. But there is not yet an opportunity to seek compensation for your actual loss.

is employed as paid without any agreement, and has, according to the employment agreement no rights regarding the disease. But if I were to be sick, I would have been infected at my work, since I work at a popular tavern, where 50 % of the guests are foreigners. What do I do?

unfortunately, It is a problem for many in the restaurant industry. When you work at a restaurant without the agreement, are not so well off, when you get sick. But you may be able to get sickness benefit. It depends on how long you have been in work and how many hours per week you work. If you are in the trade union, they will be able to help you.

If the staff organised under the service agreement will be discharged pga. cancelled events, is the so lønberettiget after the number of hours in their contract?

Attacked the staff, they must take as a base salary anyway for the work, as they are not going to perform. But there may be special hjemsendelsesregler of the agreement, which leads to something else.