Inmates in four Italian prisons have made violent revolt against the tighter rules introduced after the onset of coronavirus in the country.

In this context is a person dead, and others have been injured as a result of the uprisings.

It informs a rettighedsgruppe of Italian prisons on Sunday.

In all four prisons in Italy have made the showdown over the tighter measures.

the Rules include a prohibition of family visits in order to contain the spread of infection.

Inmates at the prison of Poggioreale in Naples in the south, Modena in the north of Frosinone in central Italy and in Alexandria in northwest Italy have all rebelled against the measures.

the Death should have occurred in Modena, near Bologna, informs a rettighedsgruppe by the name of Antigone. The circumstances surrounding the death are unclear.

– We had already warned that there were increased tensions in the prisons, and that we feared that it could end in a tragedy, saith the Antigone in a message.

– All necessary measures must be taken to ensure the prisoners their full rights, stop the escalation of the situation and prevent other accidents. One death is one too many, called it.

In Modena are two prison guards injured, and around 20 people have had to leave the prison.

the part of prison officers trade union, Sapping, informs, that about 80 detainees have been transferred to other prisons after the uprisings.

Italy is the country outside of China, which has registered the largest number of deaths as a result of the corona virus.

has a total Of 366 persons lost their lives. The number of confirmed coronatilfælde is 7375.

the Majority of deaths are registered in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, which is the hardest hit of Italy’s 20 regions.