north Korea has fired three projectiles out of the sea.

It shall notify the South korea’s military on Sunday night Danish time.

the Projectiles have reportedly been popping out over The Japanese Sea from Sondok area in eastern north Korea, where there are several military facilities.

Military monitors further firings and keeps, say the chiefs of staff of South korea’s military in a message.

Monday last week were fired by north Korea two other projectiles. Here seemed to be talking about short-range ballistic missiles.

It came to pass also in an easterly direction out over The Japanese Sea.

the Firing came just days after North korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, had sent a personal letter to the president of South korea, Moon Jae-in, with a message of ‘comfort’ in connection with the outbreak of the coronavirus in a Sydkoroa.

The following unprecedented message from Kim Jong-uns little sister, who called South korea’s condemnation of Pyongyang recent weapons test of the ‘completely pointless’ and ‘complete moronic’.

At the end of last year completed the North’s military a number of prøveaffyringer of missiles.

At the same time, announced Kim Jong-un on a partimøde that the regime no longer feel bound by a temporary ban on the testing of atomic and long-range missiles.

Affyringerne come, while atomsamtaler with the UNITED states seems to be gone completely.

north Korea operates under a number of sanctions from the UN security council, the UNITED states, south Korea and others.

at the same time fighting the north Korean government in Pyongyang to prevent a nationwide outbreak of the infectious coronavirus.

An eruption, which analysts estimate could create chaos in the country.