A fantomtegning of one of the alleged perpetrators behind a spectacular juveltyveri be shared by the police in Dresden.

According to police, struck the perpetrators in the darkness of night 25. november last year and stole the historic and priceless diamond jewelry from the art collection at the museum Grünes Gewölbe in Dresden residensslot.

the Castle stores at Europe’s largest art collection and the thieves had, according to the police planned the coup down to the smallest engineering combined.

According to police, there was more to plan the coup, while two persons carried it in a few minutes. Politifoto

At best the Olsen gang of manes had the thieves first secured the atria to start a fire in a local strømfordelingsstation close to the castle.

the Short mørklagde the area around the castle and the disabled at the same time, the museum’s alarms, so the two thieves unnoticed could cut jerngitteret on a renaissanceslottets windows above.

Then gave the thieves access to the museumshallerne and carried out the coup in just a few minutes.

In spite of the power failure caught the attention of the monitoring from the site, how the one of the perpetrator with great force smashed a glasmontre with the valuable jewels, by the perpetrators disappeared in the darkness.

Police technicians on the morning after the theft. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the Thieves got away with three priceless diamonds including brilliantslebne diamonds, which belonged to the 1800s elector August the Might jewelery collection.

Since the theft in november, the German police have been on the bar bottom, but now share the fantomtegningen in the attempt to find the perpetrators.

An investigation has determined that while two men carried out the coup, has five other people probably assisted with the planning. It writes the German newspaper Bild.

A burned out Audi found in a parking garage not far from the scene of the crime is believed to be the thieves ‘ getaway car.

the Perpetrators left the royal palace in an Audi that was later found burnt out. Politifoto

The spectacular coup has since november pressure headlines in the international media.

To the English newspaper The Guardian tells the museum’s director, to the thieves dividends are invaluable.

– We can’t put a price on the jewelry, because they simply are impossible to sell, ” says director Marion Ackermann, who has previously addressed itself directly to the thieves with the message not to stand in the priceless jewelry the ad in order to get hold of the attached diamonds.

Features historic value far exceeds the value of the postage stone, she says.

some of the stolen jewelry. Photo: RItau Scanpix the Museum’s director calls on the thieves not to discard the priceless jewellery ad in order to get access to the precious stones. Photo: Politifoto Photo: Ritzau Scanpix