There went probably a thrill through the many Brøndby-fans, since it’s Monday emerged that the former fan-favorite Thomas Kahlenberg were infected with coronavirussen.

The many Brøndby-fans should thoroughly consider whether they had been in close contact with Thomas Kahlenberg Sunday 1. march 2020.

Here played Brøndby IF at home against Lyngby BK.

In this context, was Thomas Kahlenberg on a visit at his former home, where he attended a fan event before the match, and in addition was in contact with several people from Brøndbys administrative department, a single Brøndby player and several players from Lyngby BK.

It has resulted in 77 spectators at the showdown between Brøndby IF and Lyngby BK is sent in hjemmekarantæne.

Brøndby – 6. mar. 2020 – pm. 21:52 Kahlenberg sends 77 football fans in coronakarantæne

Now, there is news about Thomas Kahlenbergs situation. He tells this in an interview with Eurosport.

The former midtbanetekniker, like the other infected people stayed isolated from everyone, including the family, so smittefaren be minimized as much as possible. It is not always easy.

It is also strange for us. We are fortunate to have a house where there is a kælderafdeling. So I’m driblet down in and have isolated myself down there since Wednesday. So living my wife and children so in the living room and 1. floor. I look through the window to the backyard, where the kids run and get a lot of fresh air and play a bit, telling Thomas Kahlenberg to Eurosport, who are after all also sounds to be of good cheer.

On the helbredssiden he has good new to report.

He has not had a fever the last three days and are in strong recovery.

Thomas Kahlenberg have been infected during a trip to Amsterdam, where he was to celebrate his former landsholdskollega Christian poulsen’s birthday.

See also: Retired Brøndby-bombs are also affected by the coronavirus

the Danish football – 8. mar. 2020 – pm. 16:26 Mark Strudal in coronakarantæne

Landsholdsfodbold – 5. mar. 2020 – pm. 20:34 the National-big in coronakarantæne