In Denmark, you buckle the belt, when driving in the car. Does not do it, so every night there is a fine of 1500 kr., and now the Danish police ready to check whether the Danish drivers shall run with the belt.

In week 11 is the police so an extra watchful eye on motorists to ensure that they follow the law and runs with the harness. It informs the national Police in a press release.

Færdselskontrollen is a part of a joint european police operation against the non-use of seat belts and other safety equipment while driving. Behind the effort is TISPOL, which stands for the cooperation between the traffic police in the whole of Europe.

the Police stresses that the use of seat belts is a very powerful shield’ against to get hurt or die by a traffic accident. The use of seat belts reduces the risk of as a motorist to be killed in an accident by 50 percent.

See also: Police chased the offenders: So many were snatched

– You must be aware that the great strides that the car manufacturers are doing in relation to the very high safety level, with, for example, airbags, etc. does not have much effect, if not using a seat belt, says Christian Berthelsen, policewoman at Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter.

– in Addition, the driver should be noted that he or she is responsible for the children likewise is fastened while driving, he says.

If you do not have made sure that passengers under 15 years old using the seat belt in the car, you will get a fine of 2000 kr. and a clip of his driver’s license.

In 2019, a total 13.070 drivers were charged with failure to use a seat belt.

– By not using the seat belt while driving, it is not only dangerous for yourself. It can also be dangerous for one’s fellow passengers, as you automatically will be thrown around in the cabin when the accident happens, says Christian Berthelsen.

Cars – 26. feb. 2020 – pm. 14:38 Police chastises drivers after accident: – Show on