‘If you were in the town of Fredericia in the region of or between the Youth House on Norgesgade 46a and the DSB Memorial by holten’s Bastion southwest of Sjællandsgade, Monday the 24. February, the time from noon. 08:00 am. 15:00 – or do you know one that might be – then read on here.’

How to write Sydøstjyllands Police in a press release.

Here is seeking police assistance in connection with the killing of a 24-year-old man who was shot Monday 24. February in Korskærparken in Fredericia.

specifically, the leader of the police after the witnesses, who in the time from pm. 08.00 pm. 13.30 have seen one or more suspicious persons, who had conspicuous or unusual behavior, or which could have stored anything on the spot.

See also: Scooter-man refuses skuddrab

as Well as in the period from approximately noon. 13.50 to approximately at. 15.00 saw a man on a black scooter wearing a black crash helmet and dark clothing, or a man in time with the changing rooms or the like, or a mørkklædt man who ran on a bike.

In the same breath thank the police also citizens in Fredericia for the many information you have received up until now under investigation:

‘They have been a great help to that we have been able to arrest and get jailed suspects in the case within a few days’, writes the police in the same press release.

Three are arrested in the case. one of them is a 27-year-old man, who is believed to be identical with the black person on the scooter, as the police mentioned several times in the initial investigation and for which you have been called for.

According to police, takes the killing may have origins in that the killing was part of a group of young men with different ethnic origin who live in the Korskærparken in Fredericia. The group is perhaps in conflict with some other persons.