It has taken time to reach this realization, but now actress Laura Drasbæk clarified: She doesn’t always follow his emotions and sudden impulses blindly, as she often did when she was younger.

She is currently in the news as chefkriminaltekniker Marianne Sommerdahl in TV2 Charlie-the series ‘Sommerdahl’.

In the series have Marianne in 25 years has been married with a’s Dan Sommerdahl, who neglects his wife and their relationship in the pursuit of criminals.

A character and a situation, as Laura Drasbæk can not be looking in the mirror very much.

– I can well recognize her dedication, but I feel a lot more. I’m more impulsive, and I let more of my feelings have.

– It goes continuously up for Marianne, that she has overheard some thing in itself, that she should have listened to. I have even reacted much faster, sometimes too fast: ‘Here must I not be, now I want something else’, says the 45-year-old actress.

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Laura Drasbæk was divorced from her children’s father, since the smallest was just under two years. She did, because she fell in love with another man.

Gradually she has learned that you can’t always let the heart rule exclusively.

– I am not thinking anymore, that the feelings are god. I am not thinking anymore, just because I want something, I have it.

– Some times, you must also be an adult, and I’m getting better at that. It gives a calmness to find that I don’t need to respond to each and every sensation, she explains.

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Now is Laura Drasbæk the country a place where she has it good.

But the weirdness is that she has it good, because she is alone, she explains with a laugh.

– It is so wonderful that there is no man. May become satiated at some point. It I feel a little, I have been.

– It gives you the freedom. That no one should have an opinion on how to live his life. I can come home in the evening, and so there is no one who says: ‘Not, we must not do this food?’.

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– It could also be nice sometimes, but at the moment it is nice to eat a makrelmad on crispbread and sit in the couch outside to clear the plate away, when I go to bed.

– Maybe I’m also satisfied to be alone. But right now I get the willies at the thought of the opposite, ” says the actress with a smile.

‘Sommerdahl’ can be seen on TV2 Charlie and TV2 Play.

In the cast are also names such as Peter Mygind, Peter Gantzler, Lotte Andersen and Julie Rudbæk.