One victory against AaB, draw against Silkeborg and two defeat against Esbjerg and Horsens!

There is not reason to fall on the tail of FC Copenhagen’s holdings here in the spring season.

It has been embarrassing to follow the Stale Solbakkens troops in the premier League. It looked like a race between FC Midtjylland and FC Copenhagen, has evolved to, to FCK have thrown in the towel.,

Stale Solbakken get fiaskostemplet in the forehead from Stig Tøfting, after a season where the FCK has played its role for the season early in march. Photo: Jens Dresling, Polfoto.

– FCK has delivered results that have come behind me throughout the season. I had not expected that they would lose to Esbjerg and Horsens, I had also not expected that they would defeat Celtic.

– Now is the FCK out of the cup and completely out of mesterskabskampen. It has been a failure-the season. Yes, close to a disaster. Especially when you consider the self-understanding, which they have in COMMON. Here is the only gold good enough, believe Ekstra fodboldekspert, Stig Tøfting.

The current european success can’t save the image of a season, where FCK already in march has played its role to win an English trophy.

It is a few weeks ago, Stig Tøfting pointed out that the FCK might need a turnaround this summer. He stands by the fact that it is a question of players like Michael Santos and Pep Biel is good enough for future FCK.

– It is a collective collapse we have seen from the FCK. Very basic, I am surprised to see how low bundniveauet has been with the players. But I would still think that Pep Biel is a lightweight, and Michael Santos fills too little in the front.

As I see it has only Karl-Johan Johnsson, Victor Nelsson and Carlos Zeca delivered the goods this season, points out Stig Tøfting.

It is Stale Solbakkens responsibility, that FCK have had a miserable season. But fyringstruet he is not, however, believe Stig Tøfting. Photo: Liselotte Sabroe, Ritzau Scanpix.

When you focus on the FCK’s downturn in the League, you can’t get around the fact that the arrow in the extent is also pointing directly at Stale Solbakken.

– It is Stale, that determines everything. So of course he has a very great responsibility for the slump. He must stand accountable for the results. Therefore, it is also quite sensible, he does not try to explain away anything.

– It is basic Ståles responsibility, that the season has been a big failure, assesses Stig Tøfting, who, however, does not believe that the days are to be numbered for Solbakken at Copenhagen.

– Stale has the keys to everything at Frederiksberg. It is not easy to find another. Previously we have seen how wrong it went, as he was away for a few years. Now I also think that Stale has built up much goodwill. But Stale know the game: There shall be provided and in the FCK it is only about winning. And come the results not, have the consequences, says he.

Horsens. After three defeats in the spring, they created sensationen against FCK. It was a strong effort from Bo henriksen’s fightende troops.

FC Copenhagen. It was embarrassing, energiforladt and tomgangsfodbold, what the players delivered against Horsens.

See also: Stale promises changes: – Cruel to look at

See also: Pivringe, FCK: Game over!

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