It is no longer healthcare professionals, who picks up the phone, if you are calling the hotline about the coronavirus.

the national Guard has taken over, and they are not always equally effective, writes Kristeligt Dagblad. Until Friday, the hotline handled by the national board of Health and answered by healthcare professionals.

the Hotline to advise citizens about the contamination and any precautions, are now being manned by 35 annually up from o’clock 7 to 23, while the ten annually up taking bar on the night.

There is in addition one medical doctor present, which is the equivalent of illness-related questions.

Hjemmeværnsfolkene do not have any special skills in relation to answering questions about the corona, but has also received a small course in the virus.

the national Police informs that the members of the national guard receive an introduction and a question-answer format with frequently asked questions.

The chart showed not sufficient, however, as a citizen, as has tipped Kristeligt Dagblad about the story, called in to the hotline. He had been in contact with an acquaintance, who shortly beforehand had been in Milan.

the Answer from the person in the tube from the coronahotlinen reads:

‘Sorry, but I’m not so strong in geography, so where is it now, Milano?’

According to the citizen got the dog track on the geography, after which he was advised to go in 14 days hjemmekarantæne. However, he was not asked to, when his acquaintances had come home from Milan.

the Citizen phoned his own doctor and told that it was over a month ago, he had been in Milan. There he was told that there was no reason to go in quarantine.

– It is really absurd – if I had not taken me critically, then had my wife and I found ourselves in quarantine, says the citizen, who wishes to remain anonymous, to Kristeligt Dagblad.