Ireland cancels more Saint Patrick’s Day events as a result of concerns over the infectious coronavirus. Aflysningerne include, among other things, the big parade in Dublin.

It informs Ireland’s prime minister, Leo Varadkar, on Twitter Monday evening.

the Decision to cancel the events at the Saint Patrick’s Day the 17. march is taken upon the advice from the health authorities and is done to avoid the spread of virussmitte, informs the prime minister on.

– Saint Patrick’s Day-parades, including the Dublin parade, will not be completed.

– the Situation regarding other events and large gatherings are under evaluation. There will be taken a position to these on the basis of advice from public health authorities, writes Leo Varadkar.

There has until Monday been 19 confirmed cases of the Covid-19, which is the disease, the virus is to blame, in Ireland. It writes NBC News.

– However, it is important to get emphasized, that the vast majority of people who are diagnosed with Covid-19 in the course of the next weeks or months will not have found the disease, because they have participated in a large assembly.

– They will more than likely become infected in their own home by family members or by having contact with friends and others, says Leo Varadkar, according to NBC News.

Saint Patrick is the irish patron saint, who is believed to have brought christianity to Ireland in the fifth century. He died on 17. march 461, and since that date has been the irish national day.

According to tradition, it was also Saint Patrick, who drove all the snakes out of the country.

On Saint Patrick’s Day meet people anywhere in the world and parties with beer and music.

in Many places, held parades, where the participants are dressed in green as a symbol of Ireland.

IN the UNITED states, where there are millions of irish descendants, told the New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, on Monday, that there are no plans to cancel the city’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade.

the Parade attracts each year hundreds of thousands of spectators.

However, informed Boston mayor, Marty Walsh, although the risk is still low, so, the city has chosen to cancel the celebrations on the 17th. march out from a precautionary approach.

– Our first priority is to prevent new cases of virussmitte, he says, according to NBC News.